Glassblower's Bauble
Glassblower's BaubleStack Size: 20Improves the quality of a flaskRight click this item then left click a flask to apply it. The maximum quality is 20%. Shift click to unstack.
Glassblower's Bauble


Price 0.4 USD
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Path of Exile 2 Glassblower's Bauble Wiki & Tips

The Path of Exile 2 Glassblower's Bauble Wiki provides an in-depth guide on this currency item, which is used to improve the quality of flasks. This guide explains its functionality, drop rate, vendor recipes, and the best flasks to enhance, helping players make the most of this valuable resource.

What’s Path of Exile 2 Glassblower's Bauble?

In Path of Exile 2, the Glassblower's Bauble is a currency item used to improve the quality of flasks. Applying a Glassblower's Bauble to a flask increases its quality, with a maximum quality cap of 20%. To use it, right-click the Glassblower's Bauble and left-click the flask you wish to enhance. Improving flask quality increases its effectiveness, making this item essential for optimizing your builds.

PoE 2 Glassblower's Bauble Drop Rate

  • Drop Sources: Glassblower's Baubles can drop from any slain enemy, making frequent combat a viable method of acquisition.  

  • Artisan's Strongboxes: These special containers often yield Glassblower's Baubles when opened, providing an additional farming source.   

  • Vendor Recipes: Players can also acquire Glassblower's Baubles by selling flasks with quality to vendors. Selling one normal flask with at least 20% quality or multiple flasks whose total quality equals or exceeds 40% will grant 1 Glassblower's Bauble.

Which Vendor Sells Glassblower’s Baubles?

In Path of Exile 2, the vendor Hargan sells Glassblower's Baubles at a price of 8 Blacksmith's Whetstones each. This offers players a direct way to obtain Glassblower's Baubles, particularly if they have an excess of Blacksmith's Whetstones. While this method is reliable, players can also acquire Glassblower's Baubles through drops, strongboxes, and vendor recipes.

PoE 2 Glassblower's Bauble Vendor Recipe

Selling Normal Flask 

Sell a single normal (non-magic, non-unique) flask with at least 20% quality to a vendor to receive 1 Glassblower's Bauble.   

Selling Flasks with Total Quality

Sell multiple normal flasks whose combined quality is at least 40% to obtain 1 Glassblower's Bauble. This allows players to efficiently trade in lower-quality flasks for Baubles.

Best Flasks to Improve with Glassblower's Baubles

  1. When deciding which flasks to enhance with Glassblower's Baubles, focus on those that significantly impact survivability and combat performance:   

  2. Granite Flasks: Ideal for melee builds, as they boost armor and mitigate physical damage.   

  3. Jade Flasks: Increase evasion, making them invaluable for dodge-based builds.  

  4. Quicksilver Flasks: Enhance movement speed, crucial for dodging attacks and map traversal. Improving their quality extends their duration.   

  5. Diamond Flasks: Beneficial for critical-strike-based builds, as they increase critical strike chance. 

  6. Amethyst Flasks: Provide chaos resistance, helping mitigate damage from chaos attacks in higher-level content.  

  7. Sapphire and Topaz Flasks: Essential for countering freeze and shock effects, respectively. Enhanced quality improves their duration and effectiveness.   

  8. Path of Exile 2 Glassblower's Bauble Wiki & Tips

    Utility Flasks: Flasks offering ailment immunity (e.g., bleeding or curses) are excellent candidates for improvement to bolster survivability during tough encounters.
