ACNH Island Restart or Flatten? Animal Crossing New Horizons Island Rebuild Guide 2024

8/19/2024 1:23:15 PM

After a long wait for new updates coming to Animal Crossing New Horizons or a new Animal Crossing game launch on Nintendo Switch, many players have given up and left their islands. However, if you are reading this article, it means you are one of the loyal fans who has steadfastly remained on your ACNH island and still want to find new joy through rebuilding! So should you restart a new island or flatten your old island for rebuilding? We will help you find the joy that meets your needs through rebuilding in this guide!

acnh island restart guide

ACNH Island Restart & Flatten Guide: How To Rebuild Your Island in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2024?

After years of developing your island on Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you may be feeling the itch for change. Restarting or flattening your island can breathe new life into the game, allowing you to redesign your layout and experience the excitement of building from scratch once more. However, with hundreds of hours invested into your island, deciding whether to undertake the massive project of a full restart versus a flatten can be daunting. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about restarting or flattening your island in ACNH, from preparing for the reset and executing it, to strategies for rebuilding a spectacular new island from the ground up. We’ll provide tips to make the process smooth and minimize regrets. So if you’re on the fence about hitting that reset button or flattening all your hard work, read on to make the most informed choice!

Before we dive in, let’s establish that this content isn’t intended to persuade you to restart if you’re perfectly happy with your island as it is. This is for players looking for a change and considering their options.

Is It Worth It to Rebuild Your Island on Animal Crossing New Horizons in 2024?

After playing on your original island for almost 4 years, is it worth to restart or rebuild your island on Animal Crossing New Horizons in 2024?

Deciding whether to restart or rebuild an island on Animal Crossing: New Horizons in 2024 depends heavily on your personal gaming preferences and expectations for future content. With the anticipated release of a new Nintendo console post-April 2025 and potential hints of a new Animal Crossing game, players might consider waiting to see how these developments could enhance their gaming experience with new features or improved gameplay. However, for those feeling stagnant or uninspired with their current island, restarting offers a fresh slate that can reignite the initial excitement and challenge of the game. It provides a chance to redesign, rebuild relationships with villagers, and experience the game anew. Therefore, if you're seeking immediate rejuvenation in your gameplay or have specific changes in mind that only a restart can achieve, resetting your island could indeed be worth it, keeping in mind that the cycle of rebuild and redesign is a core part of the game's enduring appeal.

Should You RESTART or FLATTEN Your Animal Crossing New Horizons Island?

Restart or flatten your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons? This can be a tough choice, especially for seasoned players who have invested considerable time into their game. For those on the fence, here we provide insights into the pros and cons of each option.

Why Restarting Your Island in ACNH?

  • Restarting your island means a complete wipe—losing your villagers, items, and the unique layout of your current island. Here are reasons why you might consider this drastic step:

  • Fresh Challenges: With the game aging and no new updates on the horizon, restarting can provide new challenges and rekindle your interest.

  • Boredom with Current Setup: If you find your current island stale and uninspiring, starting over could reignite your passion for the game.

Potential Downsides

  • Loss of Progress: You will lose all your achievements, items, and the unique characteristics of your island.

  • Emotional Attachment: There's a sentimental value to your existing island, especially if you've spent years building it.

  • Overwhelming Task: The idea of restarting can be daunting, knowing you’ll need to achieve everything from scratch again.

Mitigating the Impact

  • Amiibo Cards: These can help you quickly bring back favorite villagers.

  • Item Transfer: You could transfer items to a friend’s island temporarily.

  • Treasure Islands: Access to these can give you a head start in your new game.

Why Flattening Your Island in ACNH?

  • Flattening involves removing all items and structures to redesign your island without losing your progress. Here’s why it might appeal:

  • Creative Freedom: It allows you to redesign while keeping your achievements and favorite villagers.

  • Less Drastic: It's a middle ground for those who want change but are attached to their current achievements and island history.

Potential Downsides

  • Time-Consuming: The process of clearing out everything can be tedious and long.

  • Limited Freshness: Unlike restarting, flattening doesn’t give you the thrill of discovering a new island layout or starting from zero.

Restart or Flatten ACNH Island, What’s Best for You?

Ultimately the answer this question we think depends on what type of player you are. Some players might prefer starting over completely from scratch, either to embrace a new challenge or to experience the game afresh after a prolonged period. Others might not be inclined to commit to a full restart but may still feel weary of their current island, making flattening a viable option.

For some players, restarting their main island is likely out of the question, possibly due to a deep attachment to it. The fear of regret after restarting is a common sentiment, especially for those who frequently initiate new islands only to lose interest midway, having extensively played the game already. This experience might resonate with many players. Although flattening has been attempted by some, it can be a tedious endeavor, and it's challenging to determine which option would be more suitable.

Ultimately, it is the player's game, and they must make the decision that best suits their preferences. If one decides to start over, it might be wise to consider using strategies such as having a friend store items, acquiring amiibo cards for favorite villagers to avoid losing them, or utilizing platforms like Nookazon or a Treasure Island to expedite recovery of progress. Conversely, if one opts to flatten their island, devising a clear plan for its redesign is crucial to avoid wasting effort and time, as that could lead to frustration and a sense of futility.

Now that you've made your decision, read on to learn some helpful tips for rebuilding your island.

ACNH Island Flattening Guide

How To Flatten Your Island Quickly?

Flattening island in Animal Crossing New Horizons is very overwhelming but here we have put together this easy to follow guide to get your island prepped and ready for rebuilding:

Step 1: Preparation: What You’ll Need

Before you begin the flattening process, make sure you have the following items handy:

  • Pipe: For quick navigation.

  • Axe: For cutting down trees.

  • Spade: For digging up stumps.

  • Garbage can: To discard unwanted items.

  • Bells: For moving buildings and other expenses.

  • Medicine: Just in case those wasps get you!

Step 2: Relocate Buildings to the Beach

Clear the island by moving all buildings. Start by clearing your beaches. Then, move every building to the beach. You can move one building or demolish one bridge/incline per day. Continue this process daily until all buildings are relocated and no bridges or inclines remain.

Step 3: Clear the Island of Items

Remove all movable items from the island. Collect all items like furniture and either store them or sell those you can buy back later. Ensure you have ample storage or temporary selling strategies ready.

Step 4: Remove Trees

Clear all trees from the island. Use your axe to chop down all trees. Don’t worry about losing them permanently; you can regrow them or acquire new ones from mystery islands later.

Step 5: Clear Remaining Plant Life

Remove tree stumps and unwanted flora. Dig up all tree stumps with your spade. Decide whether to discard or relocate unwanted flowers and bushes. Rare flowers can be moved to the beach for temporary storage.

Step 6: Fill in Water Features

Eliminate all rivers and ponds. Use your terraforming tool to fill in all bodies of water, ensuring your island’s surface is completely land.

Step 7: Flatten Elevated Areas

Remove all tiers and elevated areas. Start from the highest tiers and work your way down, demolishing each level until the entire island is flat. This can be tedious, so consider reshaping rather than fully flattening if it becomes overwhelming.

Step 8: Clean Up Custom Designs and Left Designs

Remove any remaining custom designs on the ground. This is optional but helps in giving you a "clean slate" for redesigning. Remove all custom codes and designs laid on the ground. Ensure the island is completely flat and clean. Walk around the island to check for any missed spots or remaining items that need clearing. This step is about ensuring everything is set for a fresh redesign.

What To Do for Rebuilding Your Island After Flattening?

After flattening your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, rebuilding from scratch can be a daunting yet creative task. Here's are practical tips to effectively reconstruct your island:

Tip 1. Start from the Back

Starting from the back (the furthest point from your island's entrance) helps create a natural flow toward the front. It prevents awkward unused spaces and ensures that every area is thoughtfully designed. Begin with the furthest point from your airport and gradually work your way forward.

Tip 2. Focus on One Area at a Time

It reduces overwhelm and allows for more detailed and thoughtful area development. Choose a specific area and fully complete it before moving on to the next. For example, if you start with a secret forest, don’t move on until it’s fully realized.

Tip 3. Use Reference Photos

They provide inspiration and a clear visual guide to help shape your island. Utilize platforms like Instagram or Pinterest to find designs you admire. You can either mimic these designs or adapt them to fit your island's theme.

Tip 4. Connect Areas Logically

Why: Ensures a cohesive look and flow throughout your island.

How: Plan adjacent areas so they naturally lead into each other, avoiding disjointed or abruptly changing themes.

Tip 5. Plan Bridges and Inclines Strategically

You have a limited number of bridges and inclines (eight of each), so placement is crucial. Consider how these structures integrate into your overall island design before constructing them.

Tip 6. Settle on a Theme

A unified theme helps guide your decoration choices and makes the island feel cohesive. Decide whether you want a cottagecore, fairy forest, or any other theme and stick to it throughout your rebuilding process.

Tip 7. Give Yourself Grace and Time

Rebuilding an island is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t rush the process. Allow yourself to take breaks and return with fresh ideas.

Tip 8. Revisit and Revise

Over time, you might find new inspirations or improvements. Regularly revisit completed areas and tweak them as needed. This keeps the island dynamic and evolving.

ACNH Island Restarting Guide

How To Restart Your Island in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Resetting your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a significant decision that wipes all your progress and starts you fresh. If you're sure you want to start over, here's a step-by-step guide on how to reset your island:

Step 1: Access the Home Menu

On your Nintendo Switch, press the Home button to go to the main menu.

Step 2: Enter System Settings

Navigate to the System Settings icon, which looks like a gear, and select it.

Step 3: Go to Data Management

Scroll down through the options on the left until you find Data Management and select it.

Step 4: Delete Save Data

In the Data Management menu, scroll down to Delete Save Data.

Step 5: Select Animal Crossing: New Horizons Save Data

Find and select Animal Crossing: New Horizons from the list of games whose save data you can delete.

Step 6: Confirm Deletion

You will see a prompt warning you that this action is irreversible. If you are sure, proceed by selecting Delete All Save Data for This Software. You will receive a final confirmation message stating, "Are you sure? This cannot be recovered." Confirm your choice.

Step 7: Restart the Game

After deleting the save data, start Animal Crossing: New Horizons from the home menu. You will be greeted with a completely new game, just as if you were playing it for the first time.

What To Do Before Resetting Your Island in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Before resetting your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it's important to take some preparatory steps to ensure you preserve valuable items and make the most out of your current resources. Here are five crucial tips to consider based on Mila’s advice:

1. Preserve Important Items

Prioritize keeping unique or hard-to-replace items such as villager photos and butterfly models, which can be tedious to reacquire. If you don’t have a second switch, consider temporarily transferring these items to a friend’s island. You can use online communities or friends to hold items until you can reclaim them on your new island.

2. Use Up Nook Miles

Nook Miles are hard-earned and should not be wasted. Redeem your remaining Nook Miles for valuable items like Nook Miles tickets, which can be used in your new game for visiting Mystery Islands. Consider buying items that could be useful immediately on your new island or to sell for bells.

3. Sell Off or Donate Unneeded Items

Before the reset, go through your inventory and storage to sell or give away items that you won’t be keeping. This can provide additional bells to take into the new game. Use the opportunity to clean out any accumulated items that won’t serve your new island layout or design.

4. Secure a Storage Solution for Kept Items

Arrange with a friend or a community member to store your items safely. This ensures you won’t lose your precious items upon resetting. If no immediate options are available, consider temporary membership in online groups that offer such services.

5. Document and Say Goodbye

If you want to keep a snapshot of your island, make sure to update your Dream Address for a final time before resetting so you can visit your old layout. Spend a day visiting your villagers and favorite spots on your island. It’s a sentimental step, but it helps with closure and celebrating the journey before embarking on a new one.

What To Do For Rebuilding Your Island After Restarting in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Rebuilding after restarting your island in Animal Crossing can be an exciting opportunity to reimagine your space and improve upon your previous layout and strategies. Here are detailed steps and tips to consider when rebuilding your island:

1. Initial Setup and Exploration

Right after starting, purchase a swimsuit from Timmy. This allows you to swim in the ocean and bypass rivers, giving you early access to parts of the island that are typically cut off until you acquire a vaulting pole. Carefully choose your island’s map. Pay special attention to the location of Resident Services—it should ideally be far from the airport. If you don't like your initial options, restart the game to select from new maps.

2. Infrastructure Placement

Place initial villager homes on the beach. This strategy saves money later as it’s cheaper to move houses from the beach than to relocate them elsewhere on the island. Strategically place essential buildings like the shop and museum. Consider temporary placements if you plan to redesign extensively later.

3. Economic Strategies

Buy everything available in the shop daily to fill out your catalog, making future purchases and island customization easier. Engage in the 'stalk market' by buying turnips from Daisy Mae and selling them at a profit at Nook’s Cranny. Monitor prices daily for the best deal.

4. Resource Management

Use tools effectively to gather materials without breaking rocks unnecessarily. Dig holes behind you to maximize hits on a rock without shifting position. Shake every tree daily with a net in hand. This provides bells, furniture, and helps you catch wasps safely.

5. Nook Miles and Upgrades

Perform daily tasks to earn Nook Miles, which are crucial for buying unique items, tickets for island visits, and more. Invest in durable tools as soon as possible to enhance efficiency and reduce the frequency of crafting. Use of Food for Stamina: Buy and consume food to gain the strength needed to move trees and rocks, essential for island terraforming.

6. Wildlife and Museum Contributions

Catch and Donate: Catch new bugs, fish, and sea creatures and donate them to Blather’s museum to complete your island’s collection.

So that's our full guide for ACNH island resetting, no matter which way you pick up, just enjoy the game!

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