Animal Crossing
We are in the month of April, which means we’re experiencing a whole bunch of changes on, and around the New Horizons Island! This is a very exciting time for newer players, but even legacy players for the lack of a better term will see things play out a little differently this year, compared to previous years since launch! Here’s everything about the updates and changes to this April in Anima Crossing 2024!
ACNH April 2024 Guide: Updates & Changes to April 2024 in Animal Crossing
Below, we break down everything you need to know about all the new features we can expect to encounter in ACNH April 2024. We highlight changes to Events in Animal Crossing New Horizons, the updates to Weather Patterns, and even subtle details and changes including bushes and seasonal material. We discuss how April 2024 differs in Animal Crossing New Horizons compared to previous years.
1. ACNH Events
Unfortunately other than smaller Seasonal Events, there are no Events to take part in this April, because as you probably know by now, Bunny Day 2024 takes place entirely in March this year, with Zipper Bunny bringing Bunny Day to a close on March 31st! This is actually the first time since the launch of New Horizons 4 years ago, that Bunny Day hasn’t taken place in the month of April.
2. Cherry Blossom Season
Now the most notable change we’ll see around the New Horizons Island is the Cherry Blossom Season that begins straight away from April 1st, and runs through to April 10th! During this time, the Hardwood trees blossom, and small Cherry Blossom petals begin floating around, changing the entire atmosphere of our Islands. This is also a significant time, as we will experience 10 days of nothing but sunshine throughout this Season! Yep, that means zero chance of rain or thunderstorms for almost 2 weeks! This is great news if you’re looking to be decorating outside!
3. Weather Phenomena
Now, we’ve already spoken about the rare Weather Pattern that allows us to enjoy the entire Cherry Blossom Season in the sunshine, but that’s not the only Weather Phenomenon to change during April! Once April arrives, it will no-longer be possible to encounter both the River and Sea Fog, that you typically see around the Island super early in the mornings, between 5 am and 9 am near the water. This is a very subtle change, but definitely something you’ll notice if you’re an early bird, so to speak! The lack of Rain also means we’ll have to water any Gyroid Fragments ourselves. Of course, this is only relevant to those in the Northern Hemisphere. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the opposite with even Heavy Fog becoming more common as the weeks go by!
4. Seasonal Materials
Now another notable change we can expect is to the Seasonal Materials we can encounter around the New Horizons Island! Whilst Young-Spring Bamboo, not to be confused with normal Bamboo, will continue to spawn throughout April and into May alongside their respective Seasonal Recipes, the Cherry Blossom Season introduces a second Material! From April 1st, through to April 10th, Cherry Blossom Petals, can be found alongside their corresponding DIY Recipes, throughout the entire Cherry Blossom Season! Again, given Bunny Day isn’t occurring in April this year, anyone farming Balloons, or searching for Cherry Blossom DIYs won’t have to worry about those annoying Bunny Day Eggs taking over! Again, this is only relevant for the Northern Hemisphere! Unfortunately, there’s no change in Seasonal Materials for the Southern Hemisphere this month, as Acorns and Pine Cones continue to spawn throughout the rest of the Season!
5. Seasonal Events/Items
Now, something we’ve become accustomed to is the NookStop refreshing and offering new lmited-time items each month, and April is no different. The next wave of Seasonal Events include April Fools' Day, Singmogil (or Tree-Planting Day), the Prom Season, which lasts for the duration of April, Nature Day, and of course Children’s Day! April Fools’ Day introduces the Whoopee Cushion with the last chance to obtain the item on April 1st! Singmogil adds the adorable Forsythia item for the duration of the Cherry Blossom Season and is perfect for decorating during the Spring. Prom Season introduces the Prom Wall, Floor, and Sash, as well as a bunch of limited-time clothing items at the Able Sisters. All of which will be available for the entire month of April. Nature Day introduces the Cool Globe between April 15th and April 22nd and is a huge throwback to previous Animal Crossing games. And finally, Children’s Day begins April 28th, and introduces the Carp Banner and the iconic Newsprint Helmet! All of these celebrations occur every April, but this is of an excellent chance to get a hold of anything you missed in previous years!
6. Bushes
Now another thing we love to highlight in these monthly changes videos is the bushes that change with the Seasons, and which ones in particular will be flowering in the coming weeks. In the Northern Hemisphere, Red and Pink Camellia Bushes, that bloomed back in January will stop flowering as we enter April and instead be replaced by Pink and White Azalea Bushes that will bloom in their place! This is pretty useful to know, for those who decorate areas outside in line with current Seasons. Anyway, as you’d expect it’s slightly different in the Southern Hemisphere given it’s currently Autumn, rather than Spring. In the Southern Hemisphere Red and Yellow Hibiscus already stopped flowering earlier in March, with Orange and Yellow Tea Olives replacing them, which will continue to bloom until the end of April!
7. Fishing Tourney
Moving on, something both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres have in common is of course having Fishing Tourneys on the same day! Unlike the Bug Offs for example. In April, the Fishing Tourney takes place on April 13th, which is the second Saturday of the month! There is one minor difference though, for Players in the Northern Hemisphere this is basically considered the Spring Tourney, whereas those in the Southern Hemisphere will take part in the Autumn Tourney. With the only real difference being the Fish that are available during each Event! Anyway, the typical Fishing Tourney prizes are up for grabs, including the Fish Door Plate, the Fresh Cooler and the Fish Pochette, amongst many others! As well as 1 of 3 Fishing Trophies! This is always a good reminder that even if you’ve taken part in these Events before, and you have obtained all the prizes, it’s a great opportunity to earn one of the other Trophies, which you may not have earned in the past!
8. Critters
Next up we have one of the most obvious changes we can expect to see, which is to the shift in the Bugs, Fish, and Deep Sea Creatures that we can encounter throughout the month of April. In the Northern Hemisphere, we can encounter 22 new Critters, including 10 Bugs, 10 Fish, and 2 Deep Sea Creatures. The Bugs due to arrive include the Common Bluebottle, the Agrias Butterfly, the Raja Brookes Birdwing, the Atlas Moth, the Madagascan Sunset Moth, the Long Locust, the Darner Dragon Fly, the Giant Water Bug, the Jewel Beetle the Flea! The Fish due to arrive include the Killifish, the Crawfish, the Snapping Turtle, the Guppy, the Neon Tetra, the Sea Horse, the Clown Fish, the Surgeonfish, the Butterfly Fish, and the Zebra Turkeyfish! The Deep Sea Creatures due to arrive include the Lobster and the Sea Pineapple! As always, some of these creatures have been away for months. Anyway, those in the Southern Hemisphere, can encounter only 6 new Critters, including 1 Bug, 2 Fish, and 3 Deep Sea Creatures. These include the Ladybug, the Yellow Perch, the Dab, the Seaweed, the Spiny Lobster, and the Venus’ Flower Basket. As you can see, not as many new Critters to encounter, but that’s to be expected given the respective seasons!