Animal Crossing
April 2024 is upon us in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and that means more items to collect, events to enjoy and seasonal materials to gather. Let's take a look at what you can expect to do around your island this month in the game.
ACNH Cherry Blossoms
From the 1st until the 10th, cherry blossoms will take over your Island, the regular hardwood trees will become pink with cherry blossom petals, and you'll also be able to catch cherry blossom Petals in the air with your net and then craft a whole bunch of cherry blossom themed items with them, this is a glorious time and it perfectly summarizes spring.
ACNH Season Materials
If you happen to be in the southern hemisphere then you can collect pine cones and acorns and there are a whole bunch of different items them too, not to mention the fact that on haves Island you can see Cora who will help you out by giving you some acorns every single day which is generous of him, so definitely make sure to collect these seasonal materials, there are some cool items that you can get in return.
ACNH Prom Season
Another seasonal event which is happening from April the 1st to the 30th is Prom season, this seasonal event is much more minor than bunny day, but it's still a cool little addition to the game, you'll be able to head into the Able Sisters throughout the month and start to collect prom outfits of which there'll be lots of different variations for you to collect, this is of course to celebrate prom that is typically happening in America around the same time, you can also head to the Nook shopping tab which will have some prom themed items for you to collect to celebrate the event as well, they have a wallpaper and a flooring and then also a sash which can go with the outfit that you get from the Able Sisters.
ACNH Fishing Tourney
If you're in the northern hemisphere, this is the fishing tournament which will happen on April the 8th, now don't ask me what Zippy bunny is doing to CJ here, the fishing tournament is a nice little event which happens throughout the year where you'll be asked to collect a certain amount of fish within a limited period of time, if you can do so then you'll get some nice rewards from CJ, there are some pretty cool fishing tournament related items to collect, a lot of us have just played this event over and over throughout the history of Animal Crossing New Horizon.
ACNH Bush Changes
The Aelia bush will start blooming from April the 11th in the northern hemisphere this is one of the prettiest bushes in the game, the chameleon will also start blooming from the first two if you're in the southern hemisphere then you won't get any new bushes but the tea Olive Bush will stop blooming on April the 30th so that is something to keep in mind, this is your last chance to enjoy that bush before it's not in bloom anymore.
ACNH Weather Patterns
If you're in the northern hemisphere, then you can expect that things will be completely Sunny with absolutely no chance of rain from April 1st to the 10th which of course happens to be the cherry blossom season, so there is a 0% chance of seeing any rain at all, but then from April 11th all the way until June the 15th there is a 25% chance of it raining, and a 14% chance of heavy rain.
If you are in the southern hemisphere then from April the 1st until May the 15th, you can expect to see a lot of rain, because the trade blossom season is not happening in the southern hemisphere at this time, so it can rain.
ACNH Critters
Let's talk about the new bugs fish and sea creatures which will be arriving in April.
Northern Hemisphere: Common Bluebottle, Agrias Butterfly, Rajah Brooke's Birdwing, Atlas Moth, Madagascan Sunset Moth, Long Locust, Darner Dragonfly, Giant Water Bug, Jewel Beetle, Flea.
Southern Hemisphere: Ladybug.
Northern Hemisphere: Tarantula.
Southern Hemisphere: Yellow Butterfly, Bell Cricket, Red Dragonfly, Darner Dragonfly, Banded Dragonfly, Stinkbug, Man-Faced Stink Bug, Ladybug, Tiger Beetle, Scorpion.
Northern Hemisphere: Killifish, Crawfish, Snapping Turtle, Snapping Turtle, Guppy, Neon Tetra, Seahorse, Clownfish, Surgeonfish, Butterfly Fish, Zebra Turkeyfish,.
Southern Hemisphere: Yellow Perch, Dab.
Northern Hemisphere: Dab, Tuna, Blue Marlin.
Southern Hemisphere: Snapping Turtle, Catfish, Tilapia, Angelfish, Betta, Rainbowfish, Moray Eel, Ribbon Eel, Giant Trevally, Mahi-Mahi.
Northern Hemisphere: Sea Pineapple.
Southern Hemisphere: Seaweed, Spiny Lobster, Venus’ Flower Basket.
Northern Hemisphere: Sea Cucumber, Snow Crab, Spider Crab.
Southern Hemisphere: Spotted Garden Eel.