Animal Crossing
New Year is coming, this means you have new chances to pick up items that you missed before in Animal Crossing New Horizons, and probably new things added. Based on the real-world festivals, the actual calendar will be different in Animal Crossing. When does next ACNH event come out? In this article, we are going to list new ACNH events and (seasonal) items 2023 with the calendar dates by month.
All ACNH Events & Items 2023 Update - Animal Crossing New Horizons Calendar 2023
Even though Nintendo did not bring new major updates to Animal Crossing New Horizons, players can still enjoy various events and holidays each year. Here we collated all the dates of regular ACNH events, festivals and Nook Shopping seasonal events, as well as seasonal items available in 2023. Throughout the year, we’ll keep releasing Animal Crossing updates for each month and guidelines for every big event. Major events are usually only held on one day and you can buy themed items from Nook’s Cranny or earn from the host for free, there are also a ton of seasonal items can be purchased for a limited period of time from Nook Shopping. Both of the purchases need enough Animal Crossing New Horizons bells. Lastly, please note the dates of some minor events will vary each year, such as Lunar New Year and Moon Viewing Day.
ACNH Events & Items January 2023
1. New Year's Day 2023 (December 22, 2022 to January 5, 2023)
Zodiac Rabbit Figurine (New)
Yut Nori
2. Shōgatsu (December 22, 2022 to January 5, 2023)
New Year's Shimekazari
Otoshidama Envelope
3. Jinjitsu (January 5 to January 7)
Nanakusa Gayu
4. Fishing Tourney (January 14)
5. Big Game Celebration (January 15 to February 15)
Football Rug
Football Cheer Megaphone
Fiery Cheer Megaphone
Starry Cheer Megaphone
Glittery Cheer Megaphone
6. Chinese Lunar New Year (January 22 to January 29)
Lucky Red Envelope
Lunar New Year Decoration
7. Seollal (January 22 to January 29)
Bokjumeoni Lucky Pouch
8. Groundhog Day (January 25 to February 2)
Resetti Model
9. Setsubun or Bean Day Nook Shopping Event (January 25 to February 3)
Bean-Tossing Kit
ACNH Events & Items February 2023
1. Setsubun or Bean Day Able Sisters Event (February 1 to February 3)
Horned-ogre mask
Ogre costume
Okame mask
2. Valentine's Day (February 1 to February 14)
Chocolate Heart
Heart-Shaped Bouquet
3. Carnival of Venice (to be confirmed)
Venetian Carnival Mask
4. Festivale Event (February 20)
5. Hinamatsuri Festival (February 22 to March 3)
Blossom Lantern
ACNH Events & Items March 2023
1. π Day (March 1 to March 14)
π pie
2. Shamrock Day (March 10 to March 17)
Shamrock Rug
Shamrock Soda
Shamrock Doorplate
3. April Fool’s Day (March 26 to April 1)
Whoopee Cushion
ACNH Events & Items April 2023
1. Singmogil or Tree Day (April 1 to April 10)
2. Prom (April 1 to April 30)
Prom flooring
Prom wall
Prom sash
3. Fishing Tourney (April 8)
4. Bunny Day (April 9)
5. Nature Day (April 15 to April 22)
Cool Globe
6. Children's Day (April 28 to May 5)
Carp Banner
Newsprint Helmet
7. May Day (April 29 to May 7)
ACNH Events & Items May 2023
1. Mother's Day (May 1 to May 31)
Thank-You Mom Mug
2. Cheese Rolling Day (to be confirmed)
Double Gloucester Cheese
3. International Museum Day (May 18 – 31)
ACNH Events & Items June 2023
1. International Children’s Day (June 1 to June 15)
Handmade Crown
Handmade Cape
2. Wedding Season (June 1 - June 30)
Nuptial Bell
Nuptial Doorplate
Nuptial Ring Pillow
Flower-Petal Basket
3. Father’s Day (June 1 to June 30)
Thank-you Day Mug
Thank-you Day Apron
4. Dragon Boat Festival (June 13 to June 22)
Festival Zongzi
5. Dano Festival (June 13 to June 22)
Surichwi Tteok
6. Summer Solstice (June 15 to June 21)
Sunflower Crown
Sunflower Rug
Sunflower Sunglasses
7. Bug-Off (June 24)
ACNH Events & Items July 2023
1. Tanabata (July 1 to July 7)
Bamboo Grass
2. Marine Day (July 8 to July 17)
Ship-Wheel Door Decoration
3. Fishing Tourney (July 8)
4. Le 14 Juillet (July 10 to July 20)
Phrygian Cap
5. Cowboy Festival (July 15 to August 15)
Rodeo-Style Springy Ride-on
6. Bug-Off (July 22)
ACNH Events & Items August 2023
1. Fireworks Show (August 6, 13, 20 & 27)
2. Obon (August 10 to August 16)
Cucumber Horse
Eggplant Cow
3. Cowherd & Weaver Girl Day (August 13 to August 22)
Orihime Outfit
Hikoboshi Outfit
4. Tomato Festival (August 20 to August 31)
Tomato Festival Tee
5. Bug-Off (August 26)
ACNH Events & Items September 2023
1. Grape Harvest Festival (September 1 to September 30)
Grape-Harvest Basket
2. Moon-Viewing Day (September 20 to September 29)
Moon Cakes
Moon Rug
3. Chuseok (September 20 to September 29)
4. Bug-Off (September 23)
ACNH Events & Items October 2023
1. Fishing Tourney (October 14)
2. Day of the Dead (October 25 to November 3)
Marigold Decoration
3. Halloween (October 31)
ACNH Events & Items November 2023
1. Lantern Festival (November 1 to November 11)
Handheld Lantern
2. Shichi-Go-San (November 11 to November 20)
Chitose Ame
3. Turkey Day (November 23)
ACNH Events & Items December 2023
1. Winter Solstice (December 15 to December 22)
Midwinter Sweater
Aurora Wall
Bathtub with Yuzu
2. Ōmisoka (December 22 to December 31)
New Year's Noodles
3. Silvester (December 22 to December 31)
4. Nochevieja (December 22 to December 31)
Twelve-Grape Dish
5. New Year’s Eve or Countdown (December 22 to December 31)
Sparkling Cider
Olivier Salad
6. Toy Day (December 24)