Animal Crossing
Let's find the most unique design inspiration to transform our island from the new Top 10 ACNH Island Theme Ideas in 2023 that not only cover the most popular themes but also features the rarest island design ideas.
Before we start creating a brand new island, the following questions become the key to our choice of island theme: The popularity of the theme, how long it takes you to create that theme, how easy it is for you to build such as how many items exist in Animal Crossing New Horizons that relates your theme, and how much inspiration is out there.
Therefore, considering the above factors, after 2 years after the release of Animal Crossing New Horizons, we can still see that themes such as cottagecore, natural core, fariycore, city core, tropical core, etc. are dominant in the most popular island themes because these themes definitely make you Easy to build and long-lasting to own without getting bored. And for those who like innovation and energetic players, creating breathtaking landscapes is their pursuit, and these involve some new unique island themes such as the perfect reproduction of Disney animation movies and the reproduction of beautiful space scenes.
Here let's go over the brand new Top 10 Island Themes in Animal Crossing New Horizons, these stunning island designs are ones you can't wait to replicate.
Top 10 - Fantasycore Theme Island Idea
Another theme that you probably consider relatively close to fairy core but that's actually quite different is everything based around fantasy or like a fantasy core if you will. In this one of course like magical and whimsical items play a big role and things are focused around magical creatures like dwarves, fairies, trolls, and all kinds of enchantments and so on and so forth. The key colors for a fantasy theme, however, are a lot more saturated than fairy core, so instead of going for pastel colors and earthy tones fantasy islands can really involve very saturated red blue purple anything that you can think of that makes it seem lik, it's kind of not really realistic if you will and so some of the key items for this also include for example all the mushroom items especially also the new mario mushroom items because they come in quite awesome colors and for this one you'll also find doll houses probably the butterfly models, gnomes and everything else that just looks colorful as well as whimsical.
Best Fantasycore Island: Jotunheim (Island Address: MA-4733-2721-0662)
Jotunheim, as already mentioned, is the island of Benjamin, created to take visitors back to the ancient land of Norse mythology, the birthplace of giants, especially those of rock and ice. The feature of this location that the user wanted to recreate on his island is the presence of rocks: rocky paths, ruins, hiding places, winding streets and large spaces in which to admire the majesty of the giants and their ancestors. It is no coincidence that the ground of Jotunheim is studded with statues, some larger and some smaller.
Top 9 - Tropical Theme Island Ideas
Tropical is always a popular theme, and although its creation is not simple but does not take too much time. For a truly tropical vibe, you can start by planting coconut trees, hydrangeas, hyacinths, and hibiscus to build surf shops, resort beaches, and food trucks. More importantly, this theme island is very versatile, you can add some cities, urban, natural, kidcore, playground and even some elegant park buildings to it at any time.
Best Tropical Island: Emerald (Dream Address: MA-6766-1557-5861)
Emerald is an island with a beautiful tropical resort theme, the entire surface of the island was covered by the pattern of the sand from our Edit island, and with the help of various customized designs, the island owner created paths to cross on the patios and crystal clear waters that completely outline the island. On Emerald there is also a lot of vegetation, which stands out particularly with its green from the sand: plants of the coconut palm, broadleaf, and bamboo dot the whole island, together with its flowers and bushes.
Top 8 - Seasonal Theme Island Idea (Springcore, Christmas)
Now especially with Winter and Spring, there was also this entire thing of seasonal islands, so you can take a season as an inspiration and do for example an entire winter themed island or as a lot of people are doing right now a Springcore themed island. For winter of course you'd be using some of the winter-themed items such as sleighs and all those festive or frozen items. For spring core, people have been focusing on the colors green and yellow and have been trying to make their islands as happy and as rejuvenating after winter as possible, lots of times there are a lot of very cutesy items involved and people dress up with the bunny hood or something like that, but really everything is pretty much centered around this. Therefore of course the focus for all the villagers is also on the color yellow as well as green and all the flower usage is also absolutely centered around that. So it's definitely a possibility to just take specific seasons pick a few key colors that you'd like to incorporate for those and then just kind of do your magic and have a lot of fun with it.
Best Springcore Island: Tumbleweed (Dream Address: DA-3188-8987-0665)
Tumbleweed welcomes you to full spring nature at its best! To start, this island will totally immerse you in the atmosphere of this colorful season with the butterfly path: a path all surrounded by greenery where you can admire the replicas, such as the Agrias butterfly model, of these beautiful insects that line the path.
Top 8 - Fairycore Theme Island Idea (Colorfulcore, Kidcore)
Colorful islands are often associated with fairy themes and kidcore, is a really bright, fun, and colorful theme, this is great if you just want to have fun and not take anything too seriously, the suggested tones would be very bright and strong colors such as pinks, blues, and yellows as well as reds and oranges, just all the colors really just make sure they're bright and kind of not faded. And the suggested items would be lots of color and water for breaking up the island a little bit, bright randomly colored flowers plonking them anywhere, and lots of fruit trees adding more color.
Best Colorful Fairycore Island: Terabithia (Dream Address: DA-4412-1679-1647)
Welcome to Terabithia, the land of fairies! Terabithia is represented on a clear night in the middle of spring, and is ready to welcome you into its brilliant and sparkling world, in a setting immersed in the color pink! We begin our dream passing through the beach, entirely decorated and embellished with giant shells that glow even in the dark, flanked by furniture from the shell series. Continuing along the coast, there are plenty of relaxation areas, such as the sitting area on the sand for a quiet chat, or the enchanted bar on the rocks, where you can enjoy an excellent magical drink! Here we are ready to have fun at the enchanted playground! Let yourself be surprised by the various attractions that will delight you in this unique experience!
Top 7 - Citycore Theme Island Idea (Japanese core)
Citycore is definitely one of the most inspired themes to easily set up because you can recreate items that are around you, you have lots of city items. But it's going to take you a long time to do because sometimes you've got to create buildings and you've got to create areas really big. However, the city theme gives you more possibilities for creativity. Diversified buildings and regions can help you perfectly create your own ideal city or copy the unforgettable cities you have been to, such as Japanese towns or European urban.
Best Citycore Island: Airplantis (Dream Address: DA-2258-3554-0350)
Airplantis is an island that is characterized by a purely urban style: Airplantis. In fact, the island is a splendid urban reality enclosed within the walls of the castle, as if it were some medieval Italian village. At Airplantis we must therefore expect different castle elements, yes, but not combined in the way we have become accustomed to observing them over the course of these months: the various units of Medieval Sidewall (Brown) have been used to make as a contour to a modern town, full of busy streets and small residential or commercial districts, we can even find a building site perfectly harmonized with the castle elements! On the island we will also be able to admire various picturesque corners, some curious alleys like the one we can see here, and finally also small areas surrounded by nature.
Top 6 - Adbandonedcore Theme Island Idea (Gothcore, Horrorcore)
This abandoned-themed island has become a unique tribute to life and willfulness for many players. Abandoned, abandoned, and polluted islands always seem to be full of stories to remember, and ACNH has a large collection of ugly industrial-themed furniture to help you create a stunning Lost Paradise. And this kind of dark-themed island is often combined with horror and gothic, which is a very interesting challenge to keep your game alive because you have to get creative to have an island that doesn't look like everyone else.
Best Abandoned Theme Island: Magickai (Dream Address: DA-2258-3554-0350)
Magickai is an abandoned island, but it also has the characteristics of the Japanese rural style and a strong natural component. As soon as we go to Magickai, we will realize how the island is not easily summarized in a single theme, but that in itself has different facets and different characteristics. While wandering around Magickai we will come across some dilapidated structures, through the use of multiple units of Simple panel (Dark Brown, Standard) and other elements such as the Kerokerokeroppi hallway; but also in the rest of the island, it is possible to observe areas that make us understand how Magickai is a partly abandoned reality, where nature often grows uncontrolled and where it is not difficult to find items such as the Oil barrel (Rust) that make this impression even more clearly.
Top 5 - Cottagecore Island Ideas (Zencore, Springcore)
CottageCore has always been the favorite island theme of many ACNH players because this style is actually the cozy lifestyle that people generally pursue in reality. Gorgeous cottage-inspired gardens, inviting little nooks for relaxation, cute rustic kitchenettes, and natural bathing areas that complement the cottage aesthetic are some of the best ways to give your island a great rustic aesthetic. The most important thing is that CottageCore is full of inspiration but does not require you to spend too much time and energy to create an aesthetic feeling that will be remembered by time.
Best Cottagecore Island: Sage (Dream Address: DA-9633-8444-3668)
Sage is all completely Cottagecore themed and, more in detail, immersed in country life! Immersed in nature and cottage, Sage has no shortage of places where you can fully enjoy the relaxing atmosphere that reigns supreme, and here and there you can see small areas dedicated to beekeeping, an indispensable aspect for an island that wants to enhance country life. There are numerous areas where you can sit or lie down, both on tablecloths and towels with soft colors, and directly on the floor. Other small glimpses of the island to go and look for, are the waterfall with the bridge, a small cutout of serenity that will put you back to new, and the picnic areas, both those hidden among the trees and those on the beach and on the rocks, for a meal overlooking the sea.
Top 4 - Naturalcore Theme Island Idea (Froestcore, Farmcore)
Naturalcore normal is a fairly simple theme but it makes the wilderness life to the extreme, you put basic items down and make it a nice natural way, so it should take you less time and is quite easy to create an amazing original ecological aesthetics. The aesthetics of forestcore can even be achieved simply with in-game modding features, such as creating multi-layered cliffs and waterfalls. Flower and weed-filled trails, fun forest campsites, cozy forest recreation areas, quaint forest cabins, rock gardens, vibrant bush land and more are all great ways to embrace nature.
Best Naturalcore Island: Oakwood (Dream Address: MA-0878-3566-7517)
Oakwood is a beautiful island surrounded by nature, where the environment is rich in vegetation but not only: the island of Kate, in fact, offers numerous areas in which to relax and engage in various activities, all strictly in areas equipped in shades of natural colors, such as beige, green and pale yellow. In addition to the many relaxation points where you can relax while having a snack, the main attraction of the island for us is the cinema on the beach. Even the flowers are the protagonists in a naturally themed island, so do not miss the mini lavender field and the fields of flowers that stretch visibly.
Top 3 - Scifi Theme Island Idea
You may want to go spacewalking, or create an alien home, luckily, there are plenty of futuristic items to collect in ACNH to help make that happen. Build a futuristic science laboratory, a sci-fi spaceship landing site, a cyberpunk-themed futuristic street market, a floating meteorite field, etc., all allow you to embrace space and the future. A sci-fi theme will definitely make your island stand out and be creative.
Best Scifi Theme Island: Avalonia (Dream Address: MA-4079-7319-1238)
The Avalonia island is divided into two large macro-areas that draw inspiration from the images in the trailers of Strange World, a first purple/pink coloring area was designed, and a second green one. As for the first, here you can explore some points of interest such as the camp, the location where the iconic mascot of the film Splat is present, and a panoramic place that can be reached via a Vine ladder set-up kit, near the Service Center service center. Finally, it will be possible to visit the interior of the spacecraft! Here three explorable environments will remind us of some of the scenes from Strange World, from the panoramic windows of the pilot cabin to the external walkway that can be visited, there is also a botanical laboratory dedicated to the Pando, a plant that plays an important role in the film.
Top 1 - Animated Film Themes Island Idea
Movie Fans' passion for Animal Crossing: New Horizons has pushed them to embark on an adventure toward the rediscovery in an island key of some of the most iconic and famous scenes of cinema. There is nothing more creative than recreating scenes from your favorite movies or cartoons on your island, and it will inspire you endlessly. Getting inspiration from movies or TV shows is also great to kind of just work on one specific area on your island, so for example create Winnie and the pooh-inspired area on your island. So this doesn't need to apply to the entire island, we can definitely grab inspiration from just movies and tv shows. With the movie or like the TV show that you choose, you're going to have items and villagers that you'd like to incorporate.
Best Movie Inspired Island: Xanadu (Dream Address: MA-3395-5590-6958)
The island will surely make us sigh enchanted and remember with a certain nostalgia our childhood: in fact, Xanadu is an island that is inspired by the places of the Disney film Beauty and the Beast, taking full hands from its iconic settings! We will thus find in Xanadu several main areas that will remind us of it, including the village, Belle's house, the fair and the Castle of the Beast.