Animal Crossing
Treasure Island provides the opportunity for all players to grab any items they can’t grind in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Discord bot is a tool that can help you order ACNH items for free. Here we bring a guide on how to use discord bots to order Animal Crossing items on treasure islands with steps.
What are Treasure Islands in ACNH?
Treasure island for Animal Crossing New Horizons players are hosted by players who share their Dodo Codes publicly through Twitch, Discord, or TikTok, and other players can go to these islands for free or with a fee and get the items they would like and Nook Miles Ticket. One of the most common ways to access the treasure islands is to open and view the stream for obtaining Dodo codes and then enter the island.
How to Order ACNH Items with Discord Bot - How to Use Order Bots to Get Items on Treasure Islands
The first thing that you are going to do is find one of these order bots and there are a ton on Discord, if you just search ACNH bot, then you’ll find many open public discord servers to you to join. Now Berichan has made an excellent system that provides lots of other discord servers.
Note: Make sure that you have time to read and understand all of the rules and you are doing it properly before you get into these servers the first time. Because some of these servers are very strict and if you don’t abide the rules, there is a risk of being banned.
If you have been playing New Horizons for a long time and you know exactly what ACNH items you want, then the order bots can help you a lot. Here is a tutorial by LilBranchesCrossing on how to use order bots to get ACNH items.
1. Go to the how-to-acnh-bots channel, there is a tutorial video by Berichan on how to use the app.
2. Download the latest version of the ACNHMS (ACNH Mobile Spawner) app for your platform: Windows, Android, iOS, MacOSX are all supported. But not all computers can actually run this software, for example, if you have firewalls set up in your computer, or if you have a Google Chromebook, then you might not be able to get it. But you should be able to get this on mobile apps as well as PC or windows.
3. Open the app, you’ll see a search window. Go to the settings and turn on catalogue mode. Install sprites if you have not already done them and wish to view them. Then the title will change to ACNH Catalogue. Each space represents a spot on your inventory, you want to have empty pockets to go to these islands.
4. Search for the items you want to get in the Search Bar, the results that contain the word you enter will all be displayed.
5. Select the item variation you need and click “Set to current”, then you can see that spot has been filled with one item in the correct variation. Or press the “Set all body variations” to fill empty order slots with all variations.
6. Select other types of items dropdown to search for the specific type, including Items, Message Bottle, DIY Recipes, and Fossils.
7. Fill the rest of the slots with items, DIY recipes, and others you want, so you don’t have to come back. A total of 40 items can be ordered. Make sure your inventory is empty.
8. Click the “Copy order command” button.
9. Empty your inventory and head over to your airport. Connect to the Internet for some online play and travel via dodo code.
10. Head back over to Berichan’s discord, there are two different spots to order in this discord server. Choose acnh-orders or acnh-orders-kult. There are multiple bots running on this server, please do not attempt to queue in multiple channels at the same time.
11. One channel that you should be pasting your order into that's where the copy from earlier comes in handy, you're gonna do copy and paste
12. Then your order will be added to the queue. You better get yourself to the airport. Do not want to walk away from your computer at any point during this because you have a very limited amount of time.
13. Quickly type your dodo code, it will look for islands that you can go to, it’s got a flight for Berichan.
14. You’ll reach a treasure island and there are all the items set out exactly the same way that we have them set out in the app.
15. Simply grab all of the items that you’ve ordered and there is a time limit for the amount of time you have to pick them up, so pick them up as quickly as you can.