Animal Crossing
Nintendo has left us hanging after the most recent 1.9 updates. Usually, at the end of the informative trailers, they'll leave a little message at the end letting us know when to expect the next one. This time they didn't do that. They didn't even make a video for the 1.9 updates. They did a tweet and a news update on their website letting us know everything that we can expect. Nowhere on the site does it show us this cute graphic we're used to seeing announcing a future date for the next content drop. So, what does this mean? It could mean that they haven't finished the next update and the pandemic has put a hold on some new features. Maybe Nintendo doesn't know when the new stuff is going to be polished enough to be released, so they held back on announcing a release date. Whatever the reason is, the fact is we know nothing of the next update.
Since the last update was labeled 1.9, logically, the next one should be 2.0. Or at least we hope so. These 2.0 updates are usually where a ton of new mechanics and gameplay are added into a game. It's like version 2 of the game. Think of the Welcome Amiibo update for New Leaf. It added new villagers, ACNH New Items, new currency, actual missions to complete, and an entirely new area. Splatoon 2 got a real 2.0 update that added 140 new clothing items, new hairstyles, legwear, music tracks, five new stages, a new level cap, new items to buy, and a new ranked mode that came out with the 2.1 updates shortly after. There were even 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 updates that kept the content coming. The Splatoon updates are a great example of what Nintendo has done in the past for games that consistently receive updates. Before New Horizons released, the developers stated there would be a couple of years of updates. Nintendo of America President, Doug Bowser, also confirmed that he sees developer updates continuing in an interview with Polygon last year. So, we can expect future updates for the game. Let's pretend that there is going to be a 2.0 update soon for New Horizons. What would it bring with it?
#1 Brewster
These types of updates usually add a ton of content, as evidence by the Splatoon updates. The first thing that comes to mind, Brewster of course. The museum café was one of the mechanics' data-mined months ago that has yet to release. Nintendo has since taken the time to hide and remove some of the information on future updates. Whether this is to hide the code from data miners or if it was taken out because they changed their minds is unclear, but either way, it was in there at one point. That means Brewster was in the minds of the developers. If we all wish hard enough, maybe he'll appear. But let’s hope there’s more than just coffee, the café mini-game to return from New Leaf would be great, also the items villagers walk around with: soup, doughnuts, and green can, etc.
#2 Gyroids
The addition of Brewster would, hopefully, mean the addition of gyroids as well. They were always a nice addition to whatever music you had playing in your house. And there were so many to pick from each with their look and sound. Brewster would hold your gyroids for you so you wouldn't have to take up your minimal storage space with the many numbers of gyroids. It’s nice to dig up something else other than fossils.
#3 Mini-Games
Speaking of mini-games, the community is still shocked those weren't included in New Horizons. We had simple mini-games in New Leaf, but they were a lot of fun. It was something different to do with friends or randos to break up your day. People want them to be back! Even if they were just included at Harv's island or something. Doesn't even have to be a brand-new place.
#4 The Museum Shop
The museum café data mine also had evidence of a museum shop. It's not completely clear what we will be able to purchase from here, but if we use New Leaf as an example, it could be a lot of things. Silver tools were the main item to purchase in the New Leaf shop, but those don't seem like they would exist in this game since golden tools are already attainable. We could purchase museum items like a display case, exhibition partition, and display stands as well as new floorings and wallpapers. The shop also featured exhibition rooms that could be rented out to provide the player with extra space. If you had extra items you couldn't store, it was a good place to put them. Now that we can have 8 profiles on our islands and each can have up to 2400 storage spaces, the extra rooms aren't really necessary. It'll be interesting to see what they do with the Museum Shop if it does appear.
#5 Nook's Cranny
Another thing is we haven't seen yet is another Nook's Cranny upgrade. In past games, four different Nook stores existed. In New Horizons, we've only had two. The last couple of store expansions in past games held a ton of furniture options for us to pick through for the day. Let’s hope the upgrade for the sole purpose of seeing Timmy and Tommy will be successful. It would make the community a lot happy investors after the millions of bells they have spent at that place.
We'll have to see if Nintendo will add a variety of new events to keep us on our toes or if we'll be stuck with the same holidays we've already celebrated. Maybe we'll get some quality-of-life improvements too. Whatever they add, if they add anything, we'll be excited for. And click here to find out more about the 2.0 updates in new horizons!