Animal Crossing
October and Halloween are approaching! In Animal Crossing New Horizons, is there a specific thing you’re looking forwards to or an item that you really want to be added into the game? Here let’s do some predictions and make a wishlist of ACNH October update according to the information from previous AC series and data mining.
What do you think could be included in the ACNH Autumn Update that would help to increase the longevity that you keep coming back to the game? Here are some of the predictions/hopes for the Animal Crossing New Horizons Fall Update we collected from the community, which covers the Halloween event, farming, cooking, store upgrade, and more.
Updated: Most of the below features would be added in the next Animal Crossing New Horizons November Update!
With the ACNH Halloween event releasing in October, we surely some kind of the spooky furniture or the pumpkin-themed furniture will be back into the game. But we do hope we would get more spooky-themed stuff in Animal Crossing New Horizons than in other AC versions. Hope Nintendo follow suit in redoing every holiday furniture set as they did with bunny day/egg day.
If you’ve played the ACPC, you would be impressed by the super interactive, high-quality furniture that can transform our islands into something really beautiful: The mad scientist stuff, the baroque haunted mansion items, the medical equipment, space/alien test tube items, the pumpkin art, the candy baskets, the black feathers raining down out of a blood-red sky, the naked twisted gnarled trees, the jets of fire rock and roll items, the batwing chair, and the wearable wings, the floating spirit lights, the haunted shrine, the upright caskets, the benches that ghosts patrol, the animated hex circle that can go on the ground outside OR in the house, the magic mirror that gives villagers the shivers, real witches bubbling cauldrons, etc. So some people do hope Nintendo to recreate the furniture to work in new horizons.
Some of the data mining from earlier this year suggested we might eventually be able to plant crops, and this was thought to be in association with a Harvest holiday event update or hopefully as a permanent feature. Growing crops, cooking, and potentially some QoL updates would be enough reason to come back consistently to the game in the fall update, while we are hoping the farming and cooking is not just for the Harvest festival either, otherwise you’ll just grow tired of those the same as growing hybrid flowers and DIY projects.
Now it has kind of been confirmed in the data mines that Nook’ Cranny will get an upgrade eventually at least in the future, it’s hinted at it very strongly. It seems that every upgradeable building, whether it's our house, the museum, or the Nooks Cranny store, always has the same plot size, and uses up more of the area with every upgrade until the entire plot is full. Based on this logic, there seems to be plenty of room for Nooks Cranny to have at least one additional upgrade in the future. Unfortunately the same can't be said for the Able Sisters shop. While most of the players do hope Nintendo could give more upgrade options to more buildings in Animal Crossing New Horizons, maybe we could get the update that lets us get the third version of Nook’s Cranny when it becomes a 24hour superstore. Anyway, everyone wishes to have a three-floor T&T Emporium style shop eventually.
Brewster will be coming in September or October’s fall update, data mines have found signs that brewster might return. We think he might take up the second story of nook's cranny. The cafe in Nooks would definitely be different. but we prefer a separate building all together that also make a nice addition since we so far have had to pretend one of your villager's house is a café or build up an outdoor cafe.
Halloween is an important part of the autumn update, and much new content may be developed around the holiday. Of course, players are looking forward to the addition of new celebration content that is different from previous versions in ACNH. The player u / PricklyKritter on Reddit has posted some of his whimsical ideas for October:
Additions: New Mystery Island. The Pumpkin Patch: No trees or rocks, no rivers, just pumpkins. One of the pumpkins is rotten and is important. You can take the pumpkins back to your island, and craft pumpkin furniture, or make a Jack’o’ lantern. You can’t plant pumpkins or grow pumpkins on your own island.
NPCs: The Poltergeist. Giving a rotten pumpkin to them will restore his spooktastic power just enough to summon one of the 5 spookified villagers, all resembling versions of lovable villagers, but having a ghoulish twist
Candy-Corn: A scary version of Judy with a nasty sweet tooth. Her Orange, Brown, and White fur is in the same order as candy corn, with an orange and yellow galaxy like eyes
Sandy: Audie has gotten a new, frightening fashion sense! Her ancient bandages and love of sand will freak you out! Her usual bright fur and clothes are replaced with dreary, old garments, fit for someone roaming the halls of The Great Pyramids
Raymula: This spooky vampire has lived in Felinevania for centuries! Resembling Raymond with a cloak, he loves the dark, coffins, and bats! His one red and one purple eye cut through the night, seeking his next victim.
Ghost town: Gaston! More like Glasston! This see-through phantom will haunt every item on your island if you aren’t careful. He doesn’t need a door to enter buildings either.
Zombies: Zombies don’t want brains, because he has the brains! This undead look like to Bubbles was pursuing a career in Architecture, before deciding to kick back and enjoy the island life!
Rules: Summoning one of these ghoulish villagers will scare away their basic model. If you have them on your island, the basic model will refuse to come to your island. They will not come if you ask, and will never be camping there. Only by getting rid of the ghoulish model can you invite the basis model to stay. I’d like to see the art concepts of my characters if you guys have any.
These are some of our wish lists for new content that will be added in the Animal Crossing New Horizons October update. Now let us look forward to Nintendo announce the release date and more information about 's fall update.