ACNH Cliff Edge Tree Glitch - Plant Tree On Cliff Sides in Animal Crossing New Crossing

7/15/2020 5:39:59 PM

Can you plant trees on the edge of clifftop in Animal Crossing New Horizons? Yes! With the new impossible tree plant glitch, you can make this come true! Now follow us to learn how to plant trees on cliff edges!

Animal Crossing New Crossing Cliff Edge Tree Plant Glitch

Animal Crossing Clifftop Side Trees Planting Glitch

As you know, there has to be at least one space between the cliff and the tree. That's the rule, always! So it means you could not plant trees on the cliff edges. So normally if you want to plant a tree on the clifftop, extra padding around each tree to fit your scenery near cliff edges are needed. While recently an incredible glitch is discovered by ACNH community, which allows players to plant trees on the clifftop edges. 

Related Read: Animal Crossing New Horizons Building Sizes: ACNH Structure Dimensions

How To Plant Tree On Cliff Edges In ACNH?

  • 1. Build a 3x3 square cliff and leave one corner missing

ACNH - Plant Tree On Cliff Edges - Step 1

  • 2. Create water ditch directly next to the missing corner with Waterscaping Permit

ACNH - Plant Tree On Cliff Edges - Step 2

  • 3. Plant the tree in the center of the 3x3 square cliff

ACNH - Plant Tree On Cliff Edges - Step 3

  • 4. Chop down the angles of cliff as your wish, even leave one single tile with the tree in center

ACNH - Plant Tree On Cliff Edges - Step 4

How To Remove Trees On Cliff Edges?

1. If you still leave one or more free tiles on the cliff with tree planted on edges, surely you can climb up and dig the tree up with a shovel. Then you can remove the cliff if you don’t want it anymore.

2. While if your cliff only has one single tile with tree in the center, you could not remove the tree and cliff with your terraforming tools. You can request a “Clean Up” service from the Island Designer to remove the tree from clifftop (but the tree will not be recovered), then you can remove the cliff.

Remove Trees On Cliff Edges - Animal Crossing New Horizons

How To Shake The Cliff Edge Trees In Animal Crossing New Horizons? 

1. If you only have one single tile with tree in the center of the cliff, it means there is no extra space for you and others to climb up, the tree is untouchable. So it’s impossible to shake the tree.

2. If you still leave one or more free tiles on the cliff with tree planted on edges, surely you can climb up cliff and shake the tree, but nothing could fall down. Then you have to build more tiles of cliff around the tree for shaking the fruit down.

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