Animal Crossing
In today’s guide, we are going to learn everything about money trees within Animal Crossing New Horizons. There's a lot of misinformation so what we're going to do is provide all the science and do a little bit of myth-busting along the way.
ACNH Money Tree also can be called ACNH Bell Tree, as the name suggests, is a tree that can bear the fruits of money (bells). So planting money tree has been one of the effective tricks to earn Animal Crossing bells fast.
The first thing you want to know about money trees is exactly how to plant them, and it's super easy:
1. Grab yourself a shovel and explore your entire town to find shinning spots (the glowing spots will be available once per day)
2. Use your shovel to dig the spot. You'll receive a bag containing 1,000 Bells (or on rare occasions, 10,000 or even 30,000 bells will be found)
3. Go into your inventory, select your bells (between 1,000 and 99,000 bells), and turn them into a bell bag.
3. Put the bell bag right inside the hole and bury it. You can bury whatever amount of bells you want, but there are three different criteria that we'll need to learn.
4. Wait for the tree to grow (3-4 days) until the form of bags full of Bells fruit on the money tree
5. Picking up the bell bags by shaking the tree. You will get a sum of bells equal to what you initially planted.
6. The money tree reverts into a normal tree after shaking, but it will not fruit again.
Be careful if the hole is not bright, you will get nothing, but you can get your bag of bells.
Be careful NOT to walk on the growing tree, you risk turning it into a normal tree.
Bury other items in the glowy hole will have no effects, so don't waste your shinning spots
To maximize efficiency, you should try grouping all your Money Trees in a single location.
Yes! Don't worry if you don't like the location of your new money tree, you can, once planted, dig it up like a young tree and move it to another location before it grows. It is enough to eat a fruit to have enough strength to dig up and replant a large young money tree.
You may notice that your money trees are not growing in certain situations. What is wrong? Here’s how to fix your money trees that are not growing:
Give more space (a space you can walk on) between each tree to breathe.
Don’t plant the money trees right next to bodies of water or cliffs, make sure you leave a few spaces between your trees and the edges of the map.
Surely, the more you pay, the more you will get. There are three different criteria that we'll need to learn about before planting money trees:
Bury 1, 000 Bells or Less
100% Chance for 3 x 1000 Bell Bags
MAX Profit: 2,000 Bells (Bury 1,000)
If you bury a thousand bells or under, you can get a 100% of the time a net profit of 2,000 bells meaning three Bell bags on there are going to be a thousand bells per one. That's super small fries really never something that you're
going to do.
Bury >1,000 Bells & <10,000 Bells
70% Chance for 3 x 1000 Bell Bags
30% Chance for AMT Buried x 3
MAX Profit: 19,800 (Bury 9,900)
The next criteria is somewhere in the middle we'll mention it, but it's not the best. It's going to be anywhere above 1,000 bells to under 10,000 bells, there's a 70% chance that if you bury any of those things, you're going to get 1,000 bells times 3. So that's kind of garbage, you don't want that to happen. And then there's a 30% chance with that second criteria that you'll get whatever bell amount you buried, you'll get that times 3 so that's pretty decent.
Bury 10,000 Bells or More
70% Chance for 3 x 10,000 Bell Bags
30% Chance for AMT Buried x 3
MAX Profit: 198,000 (Bury 99,000)
Here's the big kicker that if you bury 10,000 bells or more, that's going to be the exact same odds as the criteria 2. Now if you bury 10,000 bells or more there is a 70% chance that you will get three 10k bell bags across the board. That's decent but it helps out if you think about it there's a lot of optimization with that. But there's something better. If you throw in the 30,000 bells you can get a 70% chance of getting the 10k bells times three, which is going to be a net margin of zero so you break even if you do that. But the other 30% of the time you can potentially double that's going to be awesome. So if you're thinking about the best optimization for your odds, that is exactly a 70% of the time you're going to get absolutely nothing, but the 30% of the time you're going to net 60K bells.
70% Chance for 3 x 10k (69k Loss)
30% Chance for 3 x 99k (198k Gain)
Now the same thing goes for all of you risk takers out there: if you want to go ahead and bury a 99K Bell bag right over here, feel free to do so but keep in mind that 70% of the time you will be potentially losing 69,000 bells, simply because the consolation prize of dropping anything 10K over (it is going to be 10 K Bell bags on the tree). But the other way around, if you really want to play the odds 30% of the time, you can earn an additional two of 99k bags here (198k profit). So it's your choice!
Ideally, bury 10,000 bells to get at least 30,000 bells. Treating the aforementioned amount of 10,000 bells as the limit is the smartest and safest method for how to guarantee a profit of 20k bells rather than a loss.
While the best option in our opinion would definitely the 30k bell bags would be more beneficial. If you plant 30K money tree, 70% of the time you're going to get no profit and no loss, but 30% of the time you're going to profit 60K bells.
There is really no money tree pattern in animal crossing new horizons and the tie up over there of which one criteria you want to do: are you going to play conservative and net 20k bell bags, or play a little bit risky and then try to get 60K or you can play super risky and try to get a 99K. It's really up to you!
Now one of the ways that you can make even more shinning spots happen is if you have access to even more players in your game. So if you have a couple of villagers like let's say you have an alternate account like a brother, sister, mom, dad or whatever, and you've already messed around and planted your money tree with your main character, you can switch over to any of these next characters and find another glowing spot in your town. How crazy of optimization is that it totally works so make sure you check that out.
Note: Different accounts on the same Switch have different glowing spots and in couch multiplayer all spots for whoever is playing show up at the same time.
If you don't have a glowing spot in your island, maybe there's just not enough good areas in order for a tree to sprout out and grow. For example, if you have a lot of stones or furniture everywhere, not free space, and everything's pretty much jam-packed, you won't be able to get one of these glowing spots. So make sure there's enough room in your town in order to get one.
The money tree doesn't give bells forever. After you shake them and the bell bag drop, they are turning to regular trees and won't grow back.
It's super easy. All you have to do is dig one up and you can already see exactly what the cycle is right over here. The very first cycle is going to be a nursery money tree that you can plant anywhere just like a bush, and you don't need any fruit in order to transplant them. Keep that in mind if you have a specific spot in your island that you want to bring them, the next thing that you want to bring on board is the next day regardless of logging in, your tree will turn into a small young money tree, the next day after that it'll turn into a medium young money tree, and the day after that it'll turn into a large young money tree. Now you'll need fruit in order to transplant the large young money tree.
If you want to find out whether or not one of your money trees as a 99K or it's not but you don't really want to figure out by shaking it, what you can do is wait for autosave to happen in your game and then shake it. Once you shake it you can turn off and reset the game, then you will get to know what this is a 99K money tree. You can dig it up go over to a friend's house and then plant it, they can have some awesome money.