Animal Crossing
The Ritual Mechanic in Path of Exile 2 introduces a unique endgame system that allows players to engage in a series of combat encounters at ritual altars found throughout maps. Players must defeat enemies within a designated area to sacrifice them, which then resurrects them for a more challenging fight. Today, we'll introduce the possible drops and rewards you can get from the Ritual mechanic, boss fight tips, and best farming strategies.
PoE 2 Ritual Rewards & Drops
Rituals yield various rewards, primarily through a system of tribute earned from defeating enemies. Players receive more tribute for defeating magic and rare monsters. After completing a ritual, players can spend their tribute on "favors," which are unique items or benefits. Notable rewards include:
Tribute: a temporary currency that players accumulate by completing Rituals within a map. The amount of Tribute gained increases with the number of Rituals completed, enabling players to purchase randomized items known as Favours.
Favours: encompass a diverse selection of items, including weapons, armor, jewelry, and crafting materials. Players have the option to reroll the available Favours by spending their Tribute, allowing them to seek more desirable offerings if the initial selections are unsatisfactory.
Audience With The King: a unique currency item that grants access to the challenging Pinnacle Boss fight against The King in the Mists. This item can be acquired through the Favour rewards and typically requires around 5,000 Tribute, necessitating multiple Ritual completions before it becomes attainable.
Omens: potent items that amplify the effects of other Currency items when held in the inventory. These sought-after items add significant value to a player’s arsenal.
Unique Drops: Defeating The King in the Mists can yield unique items from a specific pool of Ritual event Uniques, as well as high-tier currencies like Exalted Orbs and Vaal Orbs from enemies killed during Ritual encounters.
How to Farm Rituals in PoE 2?
Effective farming of rituals involves finding maps with multiple overlapping towers and utilizing ritual precursor tablets. Recommended precursor modifiers include:
Increased chances for revived monsters to be rare or magic.
Increased tribute gains for sacrificed monsters.
Reduced costs for deferring favors.
Once players accumulate enough tribute (ideally over 1,600), they can reroll available favors for a chance at more valuable items. It's typically advisable to wait until all rituals on a map are completed before spending tribute, as any leftover tribute does not carry over to future maps.
PoE 2 Ritual Atlas Strategy
To optimize ritual farming, players should prioritize nodes that maximize tribute and precursor tablet acquisition, particularly early on. As they progress, they can respec into nodes that focus on increasing the chance of finding valuable items. Focus on the following Atlas Passive Nodes:
Ominous Portents: Increases the chance to receive Omens in your Favour Rewards, which are valuable for trading.
He Approaches: Enhances the rarity of monsters, increasing Tribute and loot dropped at the end of encounters.
Tempting Offers: Allows you to see more Ritual pages, which is crucial since many pages may contain low-value items.
Spreading Darkness: Guarantees four Ritual Altars in each map containing a Ritual encounter, maximizing your Tribute opportunities.
PoE 2 Ritual Boss - Pinnacle Boss Fight Tips & Strategy
In Path of Exile 2, the Ritual boss is known as The King in the Mists. The Pinnacle boss fight can be accessed using the Audience with the King item at the Crux of Nothingness. This boss is encountered during the Ritual activity and features a challenging fight that consists of two distinct phases.
Phase 1: Human Form
Players must identify which curse is affecting them and respond accordingly, either by moving or stopping, based on the curse type. The phase continues until the King in the Mists reaches about 33% health.
Thorngrip: Creates damaging vines in a cone, dealing medium damage.
Invasive Growth: Slams the staff to create a large AoE of damaging vines.
Blood Pools: Red pools of blood appear, causing damage over time if players stand in them.
Affliction Totems: Summons totems that inflict curses and physical damage.
Ritual of Dance: Curses the player, imprisoning them if they stop moving.
Ritual of Meditation: Curses the player, imprisoning them if they move while the curse is active.
In this phase, The King in the Mists appears as a hooded figure wielding a wooden staff. His attacks primarily involve curses and area-of-effect (AoE) damage:
Phase 2: Wildwood Form
The frequency of curses increases in this phase, and players must avoid accumulating too many stacks of Shadow Surge to prevent being one-shot. The fight becomes more intense as players navigate through the various attacks while managing the curses
Purple Pustules: Glowing pustules grow from the ground and explode, applying a stacking debuff called Shadow Surge, which increases physical damage taken.
Insect Swarm: Summons a wave of insects that damage players in their path.
Insect Ball: Dark creatures follow the player and explode on impact.
After transitioning to this phase, The King in the Mists becomes untargetable for a moment, regains health, and transforms into a leshen-like tree creature. This phase introduces new mechanics:
How to fight with the Pinnacle boss?
1. Accessing the fight requires either completing a Ritual sequence or purchasing an "Audience with the King" fragment from other players, which typically costs around 5.7 divines in the current market.
2. The fight has notable drops including the highly valuable Ingenuity belt (worth 18-37 divines depending on rolls) and the From Nothing Diamond jewel, while other drops like Beetle Bite boots are less valuable.
3. To start the fight, navigate to your Atlas start point by clicking the skull icon, then enter the realm gate with your fragment, noting that the fight cannot be paused once started.
4. The first phase begins with the boss performing a one-shot slam attack, followed by thorn grip attacks and teleporting patterns, while you need to quickly destroy any totems he spawns to prevent damage amplification.
5. You must pay attention to two key debuff mechanics: "keep running" requires constant movement, while "you are seen" requires you to stop moving, with failure to comply resulting in imprisonment.
6. At mid-fight, you'll enter a maze phase where you must follow wisps to navigate through while avoiding death fog, with failure resulting in death and loss of the portal.
7. The second phase transforms the boss into a tree form with additional mechanics including tornadoes, blood waves, and a powerful explosion attack signaled by "the end is nigh."
8. The boss can be frozen but will continue his pre-freeze attack animation when thawed, making positioning and timing crucial throughout the fight.
9. Avoid pushing the boss up the ramp during phase two as it can cause him to become stuck in an untargetable position.
10. The fight is a one-portal encounter, meaning death results in losing the attempt completely, so careful execution of mechanics is essential for success.