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Diablo 4 Season 6 is here, and with it comes new Mythic Uniques to chase and craft. In this guide, we will break down the best Mythic Uniques for various builds, go over which ones are worth crafting early, and discuss the drop rates for these powerful D4 items across different bosses. Let’s dive into the best Mythic Uniques tier list for Season 6: Vessel of Hatred (VoH).
The following Mythic Uniques have been ranked based on their utility, damage output, and importance in top-tier builds. These rankings are updated for Season 6, taking into account recent nerfs and buffs.
1. Shroud of False Death (S Tier)
This chest armor grants +1 to all passive skills, giving players a significant boost across their entire skill tree. The bonus to passives is particularly valuable for Spiritborn builds, where survivability and damage output are enhanced. While the stealth effect is secondary, the armor's primary value is in buffing all passives.
2. Ring of the Starless Skies (S Tier)
This ring is a top-tier item due to its attack speed boost, Critical Strike chance, and resource cost reduction. It also increases damage, making it a versatile option for many builds.
3. Heir of Perdition (A Tier)
Another great helmet, Heir of Perdition offers a high Critical Strike chance and a hefty multiplier to core skills. This is particularly useful for solo players or those looking to maximize their damage output.
4. Harlequin Crest (A Tier)
Known for its defensive stats, Harlequin Crest provides cooldown reduction, armor, and bonuses to all skill ranks. This is a great item for players who need survivability and utility in the endgame.
6. Tyrael's Might (A Tier)
This chest piece excels at increasing survivability by offering maximum resistances and damage reduction. It’s a must-have for players struggling with elemental resistances, as it provides unmatched tankiness.
7. Grandfather (B Tier)
Offers a massive amount of life, all stats, and a boost to Critical Strike chance. It’s a solid choice for Barbarian builds but lacks the universal appeal of other Mythics.
8. Doombringer (B Tier)
An item focused on survivability, Doombringer grants health regeneration, damage reduction, and a chance to deal Shadow damage. It’s more of a niche item, used primarily for defensive-focused builds.
9. Andariel’s Visage (C Tier)
Once an S-tier item, Andariel’s Visage has fallen out of favor after recent nerfs. It still offers attack speed and all stats, but its Poison Nova damage has been reduced significantly, making it less viable for high-tier pushing.
10. Melted Heart of Selig (C Tier)
This amulet offers movement speed and resource generation, but it’s overshadowed by better options for both damage and survivability. It’s best to salvage this item unless you’re in dire need of extra resources early on.
When it comes to helmets, Heir of Perdition and Harlequin Crest are the top contenders. The choice depends on the build you're running:
Heir of Perdition excels in damage-heavy builds, offering Critical Strike chance and core skill boosts that can maximize your DPS.
Harlequin Crest, on the other hand, is your go-to for defensive builds, offering cooldown reduction, armor, and a boost to all skill ranks. This is especially useful for tanky, endgame builds that need survivability.
For chest pieces, Tyrael's Might and Shroud of False Death are both top-tier, but they serve different purposes:
Shroud of False Death is the best option for players who want to boost all their passives. This is crucial for builds that rely on multiple passive skills to increase damage or survivability.
Tyrael's Might is unmatched in the survivability department, giving maximum resistances and damage reduction. This makes it ideal for players focused on enduring the toughest encounters in high-level content.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the best Mythic Uniques for each class:
The Shroud of False Death shines here, as its bonus to all passives benefits the Spiritborn’s defensive and offensive capabilities the most.
For Barbarians, Heir of Perdition and Grandfather are excellent choices. The Crit bonuses from both items synergize well with the Barbarian’s playstyle, allowing for massive damage output.
Sorceresses benefit greatly from the Ring of the Starless Skies and Harlequin Crest. These items boost both damage and survivability, making them ideal for high-end content.
While Druids don’t have a clear best Mythic, Shroud of False Death can still be a great choice for builds like Shred Druid, offering a balanced mix of survivability and damage.
If you're looking to craft your first Mythic early on, here are the top recommendations:
Shroud of False Death: Its bonus to all passives provides both damage and survivability, making it a solid choice for almost any build.
Ring of the Starless Skies: If you’re struggling with resource management or attack speed, this ring will help get your build online faster.
Tyrael's Might: If you’re having trouble surviving, this chest piece offers unparalleled resistances and damage reduction.
In Season 6, Mythic Unique drop rates have been adjusted, and players have reported notable fluctuations during their runs. Here's a breakdown of the findings:
Gregor (Torment 4): Across 100 runs, there were no Mythic Unique drops until Run 29, where the first Melted Heart of Selig was found. After that, it was a mixed bag of drops, with Jaw Runes, Triple Shards, and various Mythic Unique items appearing sporadically.
Von (Torment 4): Von’s drop rate was slightly better, with a Melted Heart of Selig appearing on Run 29 and more Mythic Uniques being found every few runs. However, most of the drops were not upgrades, showing how RNG-dependent the drop rates can be.
Beast and Ice (Torment 4): The drop rate from Beast and Ice was less consistent, with multiple runs yielding no Mythic Uniques at all. However, by Run 91, a three-star Harmony of Eba Waka was found, marking a significant upgrade.
From hundreds of runs recorded in Season 6, we’ve observed that the drop rate for Mythic Uniques has been reduced compared to previous seasons. In Season 5, the drop rate for Uber Bosses was approximately 25-31%, but in Season 6, the drop rate has decreased to around 10%. This means you’ll need to kill around 10 Uber Bosses for a chance at one Mythic Unique. While this drop rate might seem low, the number of materials you gather during these runs can make up for it, allowing you to craft additional Mythic Uniques.
Despite the adjustments, Mythic Uniques are still rare, and players may need to farm bosses extensively to get the items they need.