Animal Crossing
April delivers new critters and multiple special events in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Are you looking forward to another festive month exploring everything new on your island? Read our ACNH April update guide, we’ll talk about the event, items, DIY recipes, and critters in 2024.
April marks the height of spring in the northern hemisphere and fall in the southern hemisphere. As the fourth month of the year, significant changes occur on islands across seasons. In the north, the first week sees all hardwood and normal trees burst into vibrant shades of pink, as cherry blossom season begins. Petals gently rain down and can be collected from shaking trees or washing ashore. These petals uniquely serve as ingredients for several DIY recipes timed to the event.
Meanwhile in the south, grass and foliage steadily lose their vibrant green hue. Yellows and neutrals replace the lush tones as temperatures cool. Various critters also begin migrating away from islands as their climates change with the shifting months. Both hemispheres see rotations of new insects, fish and marine life available to catch. Completing the Critterpedia before month's end helps avoid missing out on rarer finds.
April 1: April Fools Day
On this day, any ACNH furniture purchased from Nook's Cranny may actually be a joke item in disguise. Check the item names carefully as some will have amusing alternative names or descriptions. Example items include a fake mustache or glasses that don't actually do anything.
Fake Glasses
Fake Nose
Fake Beauty Mask
Joke Stereo
Ringtoss Item
Funny Glasses
April 5: Cherry Blossom Festival
During this event, cherry blossom petals will gently fall from the trees. Shake your cherry blossom trees to obtain petals, blossom-viewing lanterns, and other decorations. Petals can also wash up on your beach. Use collected petals to craft cherry blossom-themed items like picnic sets, pond stones, and umbrellas. At night, enjoy a dazzling display as the trees glow a soft pink.
Cherry-blossom Petals
Cherry-blossom-petal Pile
Cherry-blossom Clock
Cherry-blossom-petal Pochette
Outdoor Picnic Set
Blossom-viewing Lantern
Cherry-blossom Wand
Sakura-wood Wall/Flooring
April 13: Fishing Tourney
Chat with CJ the otter on the plaza for details. Then spend the day catching fish anywhere in the waters around your island. Each fish species caught is worth a certain number of points. Larger fish like the oarfish are worth more. Stock up on bait to increase your chances. At the end, CJ will judge total points and reward top-scoring anglers with badges and exclusive DIY recipes.
Fish-drying Rack (DIY reward)
Fish Doorplate (furniture reward)
April 22: Nature Day
Use this day to appreciate the natural beauty of your island. Tend to gardens, plant flowers and trees, craft wooden items like log stakes, and enjoy picnics outdoors. Take the time to unwind amongst nature - no special event activities are scheduled in-game.
Maple-leaf Pochette
Maple-leaf Umbrella
Pine Bonsai Tree
Tree-branch Wand
April 26: Wedding Day
Photographer Harv will set up shop on his island for wedding photoshoots and ceremonies. His plaza will feature wedding-themed decor like arches, tables and chairs. Cyrus and Reese also offer wedding equipment for purchase, like cakes, heart bouquets, and tuxedos/dresses. Dress up and snap pictures with friends to celebrate!
Wedding Bench
Wedding Cake
Wedding Flower Stand
Wedding Head Table
Wedding Organ
Wedding Wagon
Wedding Decoration
Wedding Tuxedo/Dress in various colors
The link provides the materials required to craft each recipe. Chery Blossom Petals can be obtained from April 1st-10th by catching falling petals from trees. Recipes can be learned from shooting down balloons or via the morning announcement. Duplicate recipes can be traded to collect them all. Focus on catching petals and shooting down balloons during the cherry blossom season to complete these seasonal ACNH DIY items.
Blossom-Viewing Lantern:
6 Cherry-Blossom Petals
4 Hardwood
Cherry-Blossom Bonsai:
6 Cherry-Blossom Petals
2 Hardwood
3 Clump of Weeds
3 Clay
Cherry-Blossom Branches:
8 Cherry-Blossom Petals
4 Tree Branch
5 Clay
Cherry-Blossom Clock:
5 Cherry-Blossom Petals
1 Iron Nugget
Cherry-Blossom Flooring:
10 Cherry-Blossom Petals
20 Clump of Weeds
Cherry-Blossom Pochette:
6 Cherry-Blossom Petals
Cherry-Blossom Pond Stone:
10 Stone
3 Cherry-Blossom Petals
Cherry-Blossom Rug:
6 Cherry-Blossom Petals
Cherry-Blossom Umbrella:
7 Cherry-Blossom Petals
Cherry-Blossom Wand:
3 Cherry-Blossom Petals
3 Star Fragment
Cherry-Blossom-Petal Pile:
5 Cherry-Blossom Petals
Cherry-Blossom-Trees Wall:
10 Cherry-Blossom Petals
5 Hardwood
Outdoor Picnic Set:
10 Cherry-Blossom Petals
Sakura-Wood Flooring:
5 Cherry-Blossom Petals
10 Wood
Sakura-Wood Wall:
5 Cherry-Blossom Petals
10 Wood
Pale Chub
Crucian Carp
Pop-Eyed Goldfish
Ranchu Goldfish
Snapping Turtle
Freshwater Goby
Black Bass
Cherry Salmon
Golden Trout
Neon Tetra
Butterfly Fish
Zebra Turkeyfish
Horse Mackerel
Barred Knifejaw
Sea Bass
Red Snapper
Olive Flounder
Blue Marlin
Common Butterfly
Yellow Butterfly
Tiger Butterfly
Peacock Butterfly
Common Bluebottle
Paper Kite Butterfly
Agrias Butterfly
Rajah Brooke's Birdwing
Atlas Moth
Madagascan Sunset Moth
Long Locust
Orchid Mantis
Darner Dragonfly
Giant Water Bug
Man-Faced Stink Bug
Tiger Beetle
Jewel Beetle
Citrus Long-Horned Beetle
Hermit Crab
Wharf Roach
Pill Bug
Sea Creatures
Sea Cucumber
Sea Star
Sea Anemone
Sea Slug
Pearl Oyster
Turban Shell
Chambered Nautilus
Umbrella Octopus
Firefly Squid
Dungeness Crab
Snow Crab
Acorn Barnacle
Spider Crab
Mantis Shrimp
Sea Pineapple