ACNH March Update 2023: Events, Seasonal Items, DIYs, Critters, Changes in Animal Crossing New Horizons Spring

2/1/2023 11:54:39 AM

March brings new seasons to arrive in Animal Crossing New Horizons on both hemispheres, it’s time again to take a look at the new events, seasonal items, DIYs (materials and recipes), critters (bugs, fish, sea creatures) returning to our island! So check out our guide of ACNH March Update 2023!


ACNH March Update 2023 - Animal Crossing New Horizons Spring Update

Whether in the southern hemisphere or the northern hemisphere, we will usher in a new season in March, so the exclusive scenery, events, seasonal items, DIY materials, bugs, fish, and sea creatures belonging to this season will appear in our Animal Crossing New Horizons islands. If you want to know more details about the ACNH update in March, follow us to find out now!

ACNH March Seasonal Events and Items (2023)

In March, let’s celebrate Hinamatsuri for the happiness and healthy growth of girls, honor the mathematical constant pi (π), dress in green to enjoy the bright suns on St. Patrick's Day, and also expect to see a special ACNH 3rd Anniversary Event with at least the 3rd-anniversary cake. Throught the month of March, several exclusive items will be available in hornor of celebrating the following events:


Japanese Hinamatsuri Festival (Girl's Day)

  • Date: March 1 - March 14 (Both Hemisphere)

  • Items To Buy From Nook Shopping: Hhinaningyo, Blossom Lantern

π (Pi) Day

  • Date: March 1 - March 14 (Both Hemisphere)

  • Items To Buy From Nook Shopping: π Pie

Shamrock Day (St. Patrick's Day)

  • Date: March 10 - March 17 (Both Hemisphere)

  • Items To Buy From Nook Shopping: Shamrock Doorplate, Shamrock Rug, Shamrock Soda

  • Cloths To Buy From Able Sisters: Shamrock Hat, Shamrock Sunglasses, Shamrock Shoes, Shamrock Suit

  • Items To Craft with DIY Recipe: Shamrock Wand (3x Star Fragments, 3x Clump of Weeds)

April Fools' Day

  • Date: March 26 - April 1 (Both Hemisphere)

  • Items To Buy From Nook Shopping: Whoopee Cushion

ACNH 2nd Anniversary

  • Date: March 20 (Both Hemisphere)

  • Items To Get From Mail: Anniversary Cake (TBC)

ACNH March DIY Recipes & Crafting Items 2023

March is mark the start of a brand new season on Animal Crossing New Horizons islands. With the snow season finally coming to an end and Spring arriving in the northern hemisphere, young spring bamboo and all their corresponding recipes start spawning on our island. Players in southern hemisphere, and will see new materials with summer shells no longer spawning and fall introducing Pinecones & Acorns. 

Zodiac Pisces DIY Recipes & Items

  • Date: February 19th - March 20th (Both Henpherere)

  • DIY Material To Collect: Pisces Fragments & DIY Recipe from Celeste

  • Pisces Items To Craft: Pisces lamp (3x Star Fragments, 2x Pisces Fragments, 2x Gold Nuggets, 4x Stone)

Young Spring Bamboo DIY Recipes & Items 

  • Date: February 25 - May 31 (Northern Hemisphere)

  • DIY Material To Collect: Bamboo Pieces, Young Spring Bamboo, Bamboo Shoot

  • Baboom Set Items (DIY Recipes) To Craft: 

    Green-Leaf Pile (1x Young Spring Bamboo, 10x Weeds)

    Bamboo-Shoot Lamp (4x Young Spring Bamboo, 5x Bamboo, 4x Clay)

    Bamboo Noodle Slide (7x Young Spring Bamboo, 3x Wood)

    Light Bamboo Rug (6x Young Spring Bamboo)

    Pan Flute (7x Young Spring Bamboo)

    Basket Pack (6x Young Spring Bamboo)

    Steamer-Basket Set (6x Young Spring Bamboo)

    Bamboo Wand (6x Young Spring Bamboo, 6x Bamboo, 3x Star Fragment)

    Bamboo Doll (6x Young Spring Bamboo)

    Bamboo-Grove Wall (7x Young Spring Bamboo, 3x Bamboo)

Pinecone & Acorn DIY Recipes (Tree's Bounty Recipes)

  • Date: May 1 - June 10 (Northern Henpherere)

  • DIY Material To Collect: Pine Cone, Acorn

  • Tree's Bounty Items To Craft: 

    Tree's Bounty Little Tree (6x Pine Cone, 4x Acorn, 1x Hardwood)

    Pile of Autumn Leaves (3x Pine Cone, 5x Weeds)

    Autumn Leaf Fire (3x Pine Cone, 5x Weeds, 3x Tree Branch) 

    Pine Bonsai Tree (8x Pine Cone, 5x Clay) 

    Tree's Bounty Mobile (2x Pine Cone, 3x Acorn, 3x Tree Branch) 

    Acorn Pochette (6x Acorn)

    Tree's Bounty Lamp (6x Acorn, 4x Clay)

    Yellow Leaf Pile (3x Acorn, 5x Weeds) 

    Balancing Toy (1x Acorn, 2x Hardwood) 

Zodiac Aries DIY Recipes & Items

  • Date: March 21 - April 19 (Both Henpherere)

  • DIY Material To Collect: Aries Fragments & DIY Recipe from Celeste

  • Aries Items To Craft: Aries Rocking Chair (2x Aries Fragments, 3x Pisces Fragments, 1x Gold Nuggets, 5x Stone)

ACNH March New Critters (Bugs, Fish, Sea Creatures) 2023

There is no doubt that due to the change of seasons, a whole host of new bugs, fish, and sea creatures will arrive on our islands and we will also see some critters leave as the weather in the southern hemisphere cools down.

New Bugs in March

Northern Hemisphere

  • Centipede

  • Ant

  • Bagworm

  • Citrus Long-horned Beetle

  • Common Butterfly

  • Emperor Butterfly

  • Fly

  • Hermit Crab

  • Honeybee

  • Ladybug

  • Man-faced Stink Bug

  • Mantis

  • Mole Cricket

  • Moth

  • Orchid Mantis

  • Paper Kite Butterfly

  • Peacock Butterfly

  • Pill Bug

  • Snail

  • Spider

  • Stinkbug

  • Tarantula

  • Tiger Beetle

  • Tiger Butterfly

  • Wasp

  • Wharf Roach

  • Yellow Butterfly

Southern Hemisphere

  • Agrias Butterfly

  • Ant

  • Atlas Moth

  • Bagworm

  • Banded Dragonfly

  • Bell Cricket

  • Centipede

  • Citrus Long-horned Beetle

  • Common Butterfly

  • Cricket

  • Darner Dragonfly

  • Diving Beetle

  • Earth-boring Dung Beetle

  • Emperor Butterfly

  • Flea

  • Fly

  • Giant Water Bug

  • Goliath Beetle

  • Grasshopper

  • Hermit Crab

  • Long Locust

  • Madagascan Sunset Moth

  • Man-faced Stink Bug

  • Mantis

  • Migratory Locust

  • Monarch Butterfly

  • Mosquito

  • Moth

  • Orchid Mantis

  • Paper Kite Butterfly

  • Pill Bug

  • Pondskater

  • Queen Alexandra's Birdwing

  • Rainbow Stag

  • Rajah Brooke's Birdwing

  • Red Dragonfly

  • Rice Grasshopper

  • Rosalia Batesi Beetle

  • Scorpion

  • Snail

  • Spider

  • Stinkbug

  • Tiger Butterfly

  • Tiger Beetle

  • Violin Beetle

  • Walker Cicada

  • Walking Stick

  • Walking Leaf

  • Wasp

  • Wharf Roach

  • Yellow Butterfly

New Fish in March

Northern Hemisphere

  • Anchovy

  • Barred Knifejaw

  • Barreleye

  • Black Bass

  • Blue Marlin

  • Bluegill

  • Carp

  • Char

  • Cherry Salmon

  • Coelacanth

  • Crucian Carp

  • Dab

  • Dace

  • Football Fish

  • Freshwater Goby

  • Golden Trout

  • Goldfish

  • Horse Mackerel

  • Koi

  • Loach

  • Oarfish

  • Olive Flounder

  • Pale Chub

  • Pop-eyed Goldfish

  • Ranchu Goldfish

  • Red Snapper

  • Sea Bass

  • Sea Butterfly

  • Squid

  • Stringfish

  • Sturgeon

  • Tadpole

  • Tuna

  • Yellow Perch

Southern Hemisphere

  • Anchovy

  • Angelfish

  • Arapaima

  • Arowana

  • Barred Knifejaw

  • Barreleye

  • Betta

  • Black Bass

  • Blue Marlin

  • Bluegill

  • Butterfly Fish

  • Carp

  • Catfish

  • Char

  • Cherry Salmon

  • Clownfish

  • Coelacanth

  • Crucian Carp

  • Dace

  • Dorado

  • Freshwater Goby

  • Gar

  • Giant Trevally

  • Golden Trout

  • Goldfish

  • Great White Shark

  • Guppy

  • Hammerhead Shark

  • Horse Mackerel

  • Koi

  • Mahi-mahi

  • Mitten Crab

  • Moray Eel

  • Neon Tetra

  • Ocean Sunfish

  • Olive Flounder

  • Pale Chub

  • Pike

  • Piranha

  • Pop-eyed Goldfish

  • Puffer Fish

  • Rainbowfish

  • Ranchu Goldfish

  • Ray

  • Red Snapper

  • Ribbon Eel

  • Saddled Bichir

  • Salmon

  • Saw Shark

  • Sea Bass

  • Seahorse

  • Snapping Turtle

  • Soft-shelled Turtle

  • Sturgeon

  • Suckerfish

  • Surgeonfish

  • Sweetfish

  • Tilapia

  • Whale Shark

  • Zebra Turkeyfish

    ACNH March Weather & Scenery Changes 2023

    In March, in the northern hemisphere, grass grows and warblers fly, spring is evident everywhere; while in the southern hemisphere, the autumn atmosphere is mature and charming, and the sky is clear and crisp. Despite the landscape's radically opposed colors, we are confronted with breathtakingly beautiful natural aesthetics and a welcoming atmosphere.

    • Northern Hemisphere - Light and heavy snow showers are being replaced with light and heavy rainfall, which increases the chances of experiencing thunderstorms, winter’s left also means we won’t be able to encounter super heavy fog, furthermore thin clouds are the only special clouds we can spot during March with both single and double rainbows also possible to spot in the sky. The entire island change colors from the dull frosty looking greens to vibrant spring colors, even the weeds look more spring-like and begin to flower, red and pin camellia bushes continue to flower until the end of March.

    • Southern Hemisphere - As summer transitions into autumn, players will still encounter rainbows though but the autumn mumps will introduce heavy fog and cirrus and cirrocumulus special cloud types. Trees are turning more orange and the island aesthetics looks super cozy, the grass ears swaying in the cooling wind.

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