Animal Crossing
We are now a week into April and finally approaching the next holiday event which is Bunny Day 2022. This will be the 3rd bunny day event since the launch of ACNH, so today we highlight 5 changes and updates for Bunny Day event 2022 in Animal Crossing New Horizons when compared to previous events.
5 ACNH Bunny Day 2022 Changes & Updates Guide
We haven't seen an actual holiday event since the festival back in February, so we're ready for something a bit different to celebrate. In a few days' time, zipper himself will stop by to host the event and introduce the largest collection of event-themed furniture and clothing items in the entire franchise. We do have some very interesting changes to highlight for Bunny Day event compared to last year, so here are 5 Animal Crossing New Horizons Bunny Day 2022 changes you should know.
1. Event Dates
One of the most significant changes to Bunny Day event that has been introduced since the launch of the game is to the length of the event. Bunny day now only runs for 8 days instead of the 12 days it used to. So it's now much shorter. Furthermore, like some of the mid-year holiday celebrations, bunny day is one of those events that takes place on different dates depending on the year. This year Easter celebrations fall much later compared to most years, so bunny day is celebrated on April 17th. So combining the shorter version of the holiday along with the much later event, bunny day now takes place from April 10th through to April 17th.
2. Cherry Blossom Trees
Now given the dates of bunny day vary from year to year sometimes even beginning in March, Bunny Day often overlaps with the cherry blossom season that we're now currently experiencing here in the northern hemisphere. This means the rather interesting-looking leaf egg cherry blossom trees can sometimes be seen around the island if the two events overlap. This year, the cherry blossom season comes to an end on April 10th like it does every year which happens to be the same day Bunny Day event begins. So for one day only it will be possible to see the leaf ho blossom trees before they revert back to ordinary hardwood trees. It also means that's the only day is possible to get wood eggs from cherry blossom trees. Unfortunately, given the cherry blossom season is tied to seasons rather than dates like Bunny Day, players in the southern hemisphere never get to experience these trees on their islands.
3. Beautiful Ordnance
Thanks to the 2.0 update that released close to 6 months ago now, it's possible to enact a variety of ordinances on your island to change the way your island works. One of those ordinances is the beautiful ordinance that slows the spread of weeds, increases the chances of flowers breeding and stops cockroaches spawning. However, when the beautiful ordinance is enacted, it also stops trash items such as old tires, empty cans, boots and stones spawning in the water which makes it much nicer for fishing if you're doing it for long periods of time. Anyway, one of the eggs found during Bunny Day is the water egg and is found by fishing, and if you enact the beautiful ordnance it will be much easier to find them during the event. So if you want to unlock all of the water egg clothing items and craft a bunch of Bunny Day themed furniture, you're going to want to enact the beautiful ordnance before spending time hunting for water eggs.
4. Mystery Islands
It's not exactly difficult to find all the different kinds of eggs, but there is a random element to the spawn. So some players may find it easier than others to find certain egg types. Anyway, an excellent way to increase the chances of finding the eggs you're looking for is to search for eggs on mystery islands. This is because eggs as a crafting material have a much higher drop rate on mystery islands. This is great news for those with very few trees or hardly any rivers and things like that. Now the reason this is different to previous years is because that's also true for boat tours and many islands you travel to using cap in. So if you head on a boat tour every day as part of your daily routine, be sure to spend a little longer there and gather some extra Bunny Day eggs if you see them, as you'll be able to collect more much quicker and save yourself some time.
5. Rainy Days
Moving on one of the changes to Bunny Day 2022 in ACNH we've already mentioned is to the days of the event. Bunny Day runs for a little over a week and this year takes place after the cherry blossom season has finished. So because of this change players in the northern hemisphere may also see changes to their weather patterns and weather phenomena. This is because for the duration of the cherry blossom season, it's impossible to experience any rain, heavy rain or thunderstorms and things like that. But because Bunny Day falls in the week after the cherry blossom season this year, there's every chance you'll be collecting Bunny Day eggs, finding bunny day recipes and crafting items in the rain.
What do you think about Bunny Day 2022 ACNH? Are you excited to be collecting eggs again and will you be enacting the beautiful ordinance?