Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing New Horizons players are excited about DIY recipes for the cooking mechanic that was added in the 2.0 update. Some of them are actually hidden behind certain tasks. In this ACNH happy home paradise DIY Recipe guide, we are going to show you how to lock them in the 2.0 update.
ACNH 2. 0 Update: How To Unlock Happy Home Paradise DIY Recipes
Now, something you may not know is there are actually several other DIY recipes hidden behind Nico who is the adorable monkey special character who works for the paradise planning service and greets you every time you visit the archipelago. Not only does this game not really tell you about these recipes until you encounter them, but they're exclusive to happy home paradise, although can be used on the Animal Crossing New Horizons island once unlocked. Furthermore, some of them work differently than you might expect.
ACNH Happy Home Paradise DIY Recipes
In total there are 22 unique recipes to unlock through Nico after ACNH 2.0 update. For the most part, are obtained in sets of three, so obtaining them isn't as daunting as it may sound. These include the partition wall, the wooden pillar, the low wooden island counter, and the tall wooden island counter. Similarly, there are individual recipes for pillars available in other finishes including simple, concrete, brick, steel, marble, and golden. Low island counters in simple concrete brick steel marble and golden. Tall island counters concrete bricks, steel, marble, and golden.
Despite many of these ACNH items appearing identical, you would think you could get one for example the brick pillar, and then customize it into a golden pillar but you can't. They are in fact 22 unique and individual recipes all obtained separately making them completely separate items although many of them can be customized into other colors though such as the simple pillar for example that can be customized into white, pink, pale blue, yellow, red, blue, gray and black variations. Just not a different material and some can't be customized at all such as the steel counter that's just a steel counter with no other variations. Which is very different from how other recipes and items work anyway.
How To Unlock Niko’s DIY Recipe In ACNH 2.0 Update
All of these items can be used on the Animal Crossing New Horizons island to make counters and divide up rooms but in order to unlock them, you do need to play through the happy home paradise expansion.
After decorating eight villager vacation homes, players will unlock the recipe for the partition wall which is definitely one of the coolest items and is awesome for decorating shared homes.
After decorating 15 vacation homes, Niko will hold a seminar at the archipelago school where players will unlock the wooden recipes as a set.
After decorating 19 vacation homes, Niko shows an interest in crafting some recipes of his own. The next day Wardell suggests leaving some crafting materials inside Niko's crafting box upstairs to help him out.
From this point onwards you can leave a bunch of crafting materials each day and Niko will reward you with recipes of the items he's crafted the day after. If you don't want to go back to the island to get crafting materials, you can just grab them from your storage if you have any in there.
Once you start receiving recipes from Niko, he'll begin requesting different materials each day. Starting with materials for the simple set followed by materials for the concrete set on the next day, then the brick, then steel, then marble, and finally the golden set. Take like a week or so to unlock all of these items and recipes.
Fortunately, they are always obtained in their sets of three. Anyway, all of these things have to be done on separate days, otherwise, they aren't triggered. Especially if something else takes priority when you next log in such as Lottie suggesting a new facility should be built. It also means it's entirely possible to essentially complete the DLC story mode without ever unlocking these exclusive Happy Home Paradise DIY recipes. But don't worry, they'll always be triggered, eventually if you head back to the island.
If in doubt or you haven't unlocked Niko's request for example when you think you should have, simply save and quit and visit the next day. So there we have it that's all of the Animal Crossing New Horizons recipes exclusive to happy home paradise obtainable through Niko and everything you need to know about unlocking them.