Animal Crossing
When New Horizons released, the developers confirmed that they planned on releasing frequent updates for a couple of years. We've gotten through the first year with amazing holidays, reactions, and the late addition of returning mechanics like diving and artwork, but according to the current Animal Crossing community, there are still some things that would improve the game and get the people who sunk 400 hours in the first couple months back and playing again. Naturally, people are always comparing New Horizons to past games, trying to figure out what made previous installments in the series like New Leaf and Wild World. fix the itch that New Horizons just can't seem to scratch for some. New Horizons seems like it was made to be a bit easier to play. Most of the in-depth gameplay resides in decorating the outside, terraforming, custom designs, and villager hunting. As a result, many of the mechanics we got used to in past games never showed face.
*villager interactions
In past games, especially in the GameCube days, villagers did not hold back. They told you what they thought, rude or not. They called us simple, laughed at our stung faces, and yelled at us for waking them up while they were trying to sleep on their doorstep. Besides their dialog, there seem to be fewer reasons to talk to them. In New Horizons, our neighbors will sometimes ask us to catch a fish or bug for them, maybe ask us if we can deliver a gift to another villager, occasionally lose an item, and wait for us to return it, and rarely ask if we want to participate in a treasure hunt. In past games, the animals would want to visit our house and compliment the décor, allow us to constantly ask if they needed any fetch quests done, or play some hide and seek. Something about their dialog made us want to talk to them, get to know them, create this amazing fake relationship with them. and to have them just leave suddenly and all you're left with is a piece of mail saying goodbye forever. There is a variety of dialog in the game. Much of it is based around pieces of furniture outside, events that might be coming up, or the weather for the day if it's anything special. Gone is the sass from the original games. This is probably because the developers thought it would scar the memories of childhood. This is the whole reason why Resetti hasn't returned to his aggressive role.
* new fruits
A bunch of people was concerned with the lack of fruit in the game. In past games, an island usually held new tropical fruit that your main town didn't have access to like bananas, durian, lemons, lychee, mango, and persimmons. Now that our main town is an island, these fruits have disappeared. We're even missing the perfect fruit that was present in New Leaf and still exists in Pocket Camp. Maybe they felt people wouldn't need 12 tree variations. The original 6 fruit would do the trick.
*missing special characters
Absent NPCs mean fewer shops/buildings. We don't have special characters like the post office pelicans, Cooper, Booker, Gracie, Katrina, Kappn', and Tortimer. Many of these important roles have disappeared or been replaced by a wooden card stand. The developers did give us a little taste of Rover with the May Day maze and Reese and Cyrus with the wedding event. But that's about it. Unless you count Katrina in the Nook Points app on our real-life phones. Mechanics that have been in the series since the beginning like luck and super expensive designer furniture are lost. the developers sneak in the NPCs into random areas of the game, like how we've seen Katrina recently. let’s hope some will have a more permanent role in the game sometime soon. In this installment, we are missing out on that extra place that we can escape to.
*nook shop expansions
The next level of Nook Shop expansions has yet to return. Nook's Cranny has already been upgraded once. we miss the days of Nookingtons and being able to purchase a crazy number of furniture and other items all in one day. Granted, we do have the Cabinet which does provide us with multiple useful items to purchase. But it's just not enough. we miss the crazy fancy department store from games of the past. And it gave us something extra to work towards.
*new crossover items
we need more crossover items, besides Sanrio furniture, will appear, maybe some gyroids, and even the tiny console emulators from the past like the NES games or the Wii U and 3DS from New Leaf. And the froggy chair of course. Speaking of furniture, there is a lack of furniture series in the game. Sure, some pieces match very well together, but there's only a handful of actual, fully furnished series. bed, table, chairs, sofas, side tables, and wall hanging items, etc. We do have some. They didn't completely get rid of them, but some additional series would be nice. it’s understandable that The developers probably wanted to prioritize a mix of furniture because those pieces tend to allow more customization outside and look less strange than outdoor pieces. a full series would help the less creative bunch of us with the inside décor.
* the side room expansions
On a similar note, our side rooms are so tiny compared to New Leaf. In the last installment, we were able to upgrade our house a bunch. Each room off the main area was able to be expanded. Now we're stuck with these small squares of space.
As at the beginning of the Animal Crossing series during the GameCube days, each installment has been an improvement. we hope the developers will continue to provide us with a bit more to give the community that left a reason to come back.