Animal Crossing
In the last update that released in late March for the first anniversary of New Horizons and the Sanrio update, no new events and items added for May 2021, Nintendo has not given us any information about when the next ACNH update will come as well. As time goes on, another update would come in the near future. We are going to talk about the ACNH May Day 2021, including the start and end date, changes and guide to May Day Maze 2021.
Related Read: ACNH International Museum Day 2021
ACNH May Day 2021 Date & Schedule - When is ACNH May Day Tour?
The next ACNH free update (1.10 update) is confirmed to launch on April 28, bringing some events in the next couple of months. This year, ACNH May Day returns to New Horizons, but the duration is changed, from April 29 to May 7, players can use their May Day Ticket and tour a rather interesting island. The layout of the Animal Crossing New Horizons May Day tour seems different. What remains the same is that the Ticket only works for one time, so select an appropriate time to go. If it's going to be the same as it was last year, you'll go and meet Rover and maybe he'll give you his briefcase or there's going to be a different reward this time.
How to Complete May Day Maze - ACNH May Day Maze 2021 Walkthrough Guide
First you want to pick up that peach to pick up the tree, then you jump over to grab the two peaches, you think you want to hit the rock but you don't, you want to dig up that bush and then you want to hit the rock over there, once you hit the rock, you jump over collect the soft wood and pick up that tree, once you pick up that tree, then it gives you access to the two fruits, jump over the water, you want to run back to the other side of the maze, so then you can hit the rock, then you can pick up that peach that you see.
Since you have those two peaches, you can pick up the tree, pick up the wood and then you can pick up another tree, also, once you pick up that tree, you'll have access to two regular wood, one soft wood and another peach. Once you gain those materials, you want to get all of them and then you run back to the other side of the maze to break the rock you initially did not, then you have access to all the wood you need to build a ladder, which is required for you to talk to Rover at the end, also grab that little flimsy axe.
Once you climb up to on that square platform, grab the axe and go to the other side of the map, then hit the tree directly in front of you, so you get access to those two fruits, if you cut the other tree then you would only have access to 4 out of the 9 bell vouchers. If you do it this way, you get all of the 9 vouchers. Then you want to eat a fruit to dig up the tree, then you'll have the access to Rover and talk to him. And you'll receive his photo in the mail the next day.
ACNH May Day Event 2021 Speculation
Nintendo made lots of changes to Animal Crossing New Horizons events this year, for example, they shortened the duration of Bunny Day, added a ton of seasonal events instead of holding activities, one of the most latest is the Nature Day, the special Nook Miles+ goals will be canceled and players can only buy a Cool Globe with Animal Crossing bells at Nook’s Cranny. It’s not impossible for Nintendo to not hold May Day Tour in 2021. But May Day is one of the most marked festivals in May, we are expecting there will be some kind of update before May and introduce this event to us. They could make some changes to the May Day event, it should be a good idea for them to add a new character, rewards, or Animal Crossing items. Hope to see something new when the Prom Season is about to end. Once any new contents about the May Day event 2021, we’ll update the details here.
ACNH May Day Tour - Animal Crossing New Horizons May Day Ticket, Prizes and Items
Let's look back at how May Day was conducted last year. In 2020, Animal Crossing New Horizons celebrated May Day from May 1 to May 7. When you update your game and log in to the game during the event, you’ll get a morning announcement from Isabelle informs you the festival has begun.
Head over to the Resident Services and talk to Tom Nook, he will tell you everything you should know about the May Day event. Go to the airport and speak with Orville, you can get a May Day Ticket left by Tom Nook, this ticket with your name written on it is used for a limited-time island tour. Every player can only travel to the May Day Tour island once during the event, but you can start the tour at any time you want before it ends. When you visit the May Day Tour island with a maze, your inventory will be emptied and stored by Orville, you need to go through the maze without the help of any tools. The design of the maze is as follows: players must craft specific tools, pull out plants or break rocks to navigate; errors will cause players to be forced to call Rescue Service, which will reset the island and force players to start again.
There are two rewards that can be obtained from the May Day tour: a total of 9 Bell vouchers, and the furniture item Rover's briefcase. Once you completed the maze, the reward you can get is Rover’s Briefcase. When you arrive at the end of the maze in the top right, you can find the Rover, the returning character sitting down on the ground waiting for you.
You can also find up to 9 Bell Vouchers throughout the May Day island, you can sell them at Nook’s Cranny for a total of 27, 000 ACNH bells. There are four Bell Vouchers that can be found behind some bushes, and five Bell Vouchers may be blocked off by rocks. Prizes you received on the May Day island will not be put in your inventory, just go home and you’ll find them in your mailbox sent by Dodo Airlines. Any other items you obtained on the island cannot be taken when you return home.