Animal Crossing
How to make your island foggy in Animal Crossing New Horizons? In this guide, we will teach you to get the incredible amazing misty fog weather on your island.
With the cozy Fall and spooky Halloween season on Animal Crossing New Horizons island, you could have discovered that a lot of the islands you toured especially the most popular ones have fog for their dream address. So a lot of people are asking "how do I get that on my island?" Well, we are here to tell you how to get foggy weather in ACNH.
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The easiest way to do this:
1. Use the MeteoNook Alpha to figure out your specific weather seed and predict your island's weather patterns, you can get more details on how to use it by access to the link:
2. To get started, you'll need to collect some information (Meteor shower or visit from Celeste) for searching your weather seed
3. The easiest way is to take meteor shower as search data: find a meteor shower, record your times and you have to make sure that it’s accurate
4. Go to check your weather seed with the meteor shower info on MeteoNook Alpha, it would take 45-50 minutes to find your seed
5. Once you get your seed, you have a huge calendar that you can check, you can go yearly, monthly to the day.
6. Look for the days with fog weather, pick up the day that you prefer by time travel to find the beautiful foggy that you want for your dream address
That’s how you can set foggy weather on your dream island, if you need any cheap Animal Crossing Bells, Items, or Nook Miles Tickets, use coupon “AAA” to save the most on AKRPG.COM!