ACNH Chinese Imperial Bedroom Ideas - Best Room Design with Imperial Series

12/12/2023 10:19:59 AM

Looking to create a Chinese inspired bedroom in Animal Crossing New Horizons? The imperial furniture series in crimson red provides the perfect pieces to build an elegant Asian motif. All the ACNH items shown here are for sale on AKRPG!

Transform one corner into a tranquil bathhouse area with the black whirlpool bath. Surround the tub with the red imperial screens for privacy and a splash of color. The partitions help define this pampering space from the rest of the open bedroom. The lush plant life paired with the imperial screens creates an oasis-like vibe for bathing. Combine the imperial bed, chest, and low tabl. Place the imperial bed centered on the back wall to create the focal point. Flank it with the red imperial chests for storage. Then add the low table at the foot of the bed for an inviting look.

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